Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: bus state triggering

bus state triggering

Bus State Triggering: A Precise Method for Data Acquisition

In the realm of electrical engineering, particularly in the domain of data acquisition, the term "bus state triggering" denotes a powerful and precise method for initiating data capture. It leverages the specific digital code present on a bus to signal the start of data acquisition, providing a highly controlled and synchronized approach.

Understanding the Fundamentals:

Imagine a scenario where you need to capture data from a complex system only when certain conditions are met. Bus state triggering offers a sophisticated solution. It essentially allows you to "listen" to a specific digital code (or "state") on a data bus. When that code appears, it triggers the data acquisition system to start recording data. This code can represent a specific event, a sequence of instructions, or any desired trigger condition.

Key Advantages of Bus State Triggering:

  1. Precision: This method eliminates the need for external triggers, ensuring highly accurate and synchronized data capture.
  2. Flexibility: Bus state triggering can be implemented to capture data based on a wide array of trigger conditions, offering exceptional flexibility.
  3. Efficiency: By targeting specific events, bus state triggering minimizes the acquisition of unnecessary data, leading to increased efficiency and reduced storage requirements.
  4. Scalability: This approach is easily scalable, allowing for the monitoring of complex systems with multiple data sources.


Bus state triggering finds diverse applications in various fields, including:

  • Industrial Automation: Monitoring machine states, triggering alarms, and collecting data related to specific production processes.
  • Scientific Research: Recording data from experiments based on specific experimental conditions.
  • Medical Devices: Triggering data acquisition for ECG, EEG, and other physiological measurements.
  • Automotive Systems: Monitoring vehicle performance and triggering data capture based on specific driving conditions.

Practical Implementation:

Realizing bus state triggering typically involves a dedicated circuit or software module designed to monitor the data bus for the specific trigger code. Once detected, the acquisition system is activated, recording data from the designated source.


Bus state triggering offers a powerful and sophisticated method for initiating data acquisition, providing a high degree of precision, flexibility, and efficiency. By triggering data capture based on specific digital codes, it allows engineers and scientists to gather relevant data effectively and efficiently, contributing to advancements in diverse fields.

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