Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: burst refresh

burst refresh

Burst Refresh: A Faster Way to Keep DRAM Alive

Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) is the workhorse of modern computers, but it suffers from a fundamental problem: its data is stored in capacitors, which leak charge over time. This means data can be lost unless it is periodically refreshed. Enter burst refresh, a technique for speeding up this crucial process.

The Need for Refresh

DRAM cells store data as electrical charges in tiny capacitors. These capacitors are inherently leaky, meaning they gradually lose their charge over time. This leads to data loss if not addressed. To prevent this, DRAM controllers implement refresh operations, periodically recharging the capacitors and restoring the stored data.

Traditional Refresh: One Cell at a Time

Historically, refresh was performed by cycling through each DRAM cell individually. This process, known as single-cell refresh, is slow and inefficient, especially for large DRAM arrays.

Burst Refresh: A Faster Approach

Burst refresh revolutionized DRAM refresh by performing all required refresh actions in one continuous sequence – a burst. This burst is essentially a series of consecutive refresh operations targeting multiple cells in a row.

How Burst Refresh Works

Instead of refreshing each cell individually, burst refresh exploits the fact that DRAM cells are organized in arrays. It treats a row of cells as a unit and refreshes all cells in that row simultaneously. This allows for a much faster refresh cycle compared to the traditional method.

Advantages of Burst Refresh

  • Increased Efficiency: Burst refresh significantly reduces the time spent on refresh operations, leaving more time for data access and processing.
  • Reduced Power Consumption: By performing refresh in a more efficient manner, burst refresh minimizes the power required for refreshing the memory, contributing to longer battery life in mobile devices.
  • Simplified Memory Controller Design: Implementing burst refresh in DRAM controllers is relatively straightforward, simplifying the design and lowering development costs.

Distributed Refresh: Balancing the Load

While burst refresh is efficient, it can lead to localized heating issues in the DRAM array. To address this, distributed refresh is often employed. Distributed refresh divides the refresh operations across multiple rows, ensuring a more uniform distribution of refresh activity and reducing potential heating hotspots.


Burst refresh is a crucial technology that ensures the reliability and efficiency of DRAM memory. By leveraging the inherent structure of DRAM arrays, it speeds up the refresh process, making DRAM more responsive and power-efficient. Combined with distributed refresh, it ensures balanced refresh activity and long-term stability of DRAM systems. As DRAM technology continues to evolve, burst refresh will remain a critical component for ensuring reliable and efficient data storage in modern devices.

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