Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: bucking fields

bucking fields

Bucking Fields: A Deep Dive into Magnetic Opposition

In the realm of electrical engineering, the term "bucking fields" refers to a situation where magnetic fields generated by different sources oppose each other. This concept plays a crucial role in various electrical machines and systems, often employed to achieve specific performance characteristics or to mitigate undesired effects.

Understanding the Basics:

Imagine two magnets placed close together with their north poles facing each other. The magnetic fields emanating from these poles will repel each other. This repulsive force is the essence of bucking fields, where the magnetic lines of force are oriented in opposite directions, leading to a reduction in the overall magnetic field strength.

Applications of Bucking Fields:

Bucking fields find diverse applications in electrical engineering, including:

  • DC Generators: In differentially compounded DC generators, a bucking field is used to reduce the output voltage under load. The field winding is connected in series with the armature, and as the load increases, the current flowing through the winding creates a magnetic field that opposes the main field. This results in a decrease in the total flux and consequently, a lower output voltage.

  • DC Motors: Similar to DC generators, bucking fields can be used in DC motors to regulate speed. By adjusting the strength of the opposing field, the motor's speed can be controlled.

  • Transformers: Bucking fields are used in transformer design to minimize the leakage flux, which can lead to energy losses and unwanted heating. By strategically placing windings, the fields generated by each winding can be made to partially cancel each other out, reducing the leakage flux.

  • Electromagnets: Bucking fields can be used to create a specific magnetic field profile. This is particularly relevant in applications where precise magnetic field control is essential, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines.

Differentially Compounded Generators:

Differentially compounded DC generators offer a prime example of bucking fields in action. In this configuration, the series field winding opposes the shunt field winding. The result is a generator that exhibits a decreasing output voltage with increasing load. This characteristic makes them suitable for applications where a relatively constant output voltage is required even under varying load conditions.

Advantages and Disadvantages:

The use of bucking fields offers both advantages and disadvantages:


  • Improved control: Bucking fields allow for fine-tuning of magnetic field strengths and, consequently, the performance of electrical machines.
  • Increased efficiency: Reducing leakage flux in transformers or regulating motor speed through bucking fields can lead to improved efficiency.
  • Enhanced stability: In generators, bucking fields can help stabilize the output voltage under load variations.


  • Complexity: Implementing bucking fields often requires additional circuitry and careful design considerations.
  • Potential for instability: If not properly managed, opposing magnetic fields can lead to instability and unpredictable behavior in electrical machines.


Bucking fields play a crucial role in various electrical applications, contributing to improved performance, efficiency, and control. Understanding the principles of magnetic opposition and how it is implemented in different systems is essential for any electrical engineer seeking to optimize their designs.

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