Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: broadside coupled microstrip lines

broadside coupled microstrip lines

Broadside Coupled Microstrip Lines: A Powerful Tool for Microwave Applications

Microstrip lines, a fundamental element in microwave circuits, are widely used due to their simplicity and versatility. Broadside coupled microstrip lines are a specific configuration where two or more microstrip lines share the same ground plane but are physically separated from each other in the direction perpendicular to the ground plane. These lines are aligned at their centers along the direction normal to the ground plane, creating a unique coupling effect.

How it Works:

The key to understanding broadside coupled microstrip lines lies in their mutual capacitance and mutual inductance. The proximity of the conductors leads to an electric field coupling between them, resulting in a mutual capacitance. Additionally, the current flowing through the conductors interacts, generating a magnetic field coupling that contributes to mutual inductance.

Benefits of Broadside Coupling:

  • Enhanced Coupling: The close proximity of the lines allows for strong coupling between them, leading to increased interaction and desired effects.
  • Flexibility in Design: The separation between the lines can be adjusted to fine-tune the coupling strength, offering design flexibility for various applications.
  • Compact Size: Compared to other coupling configurations, broadside coupling offers a compact layout, which is crucial in miniaturizing microwave circuits.
  • Bandpass Filter Realization: Broadside coupled microstrip lines are extensively used in designing bandpass filters. By carefully adjusting the dimensions and separation, designers can achieve desired frequency responses, leading to efficient filtering.
  • Coupled-Line Directional Coupler: The coupling phenomenon in broadside lines facilitates the construction of coupled-line directional couplers. These devices are crucial for power division and signal sampling in microwave systems.


Broadside coupled microstrip lines have found applications in a wide range of microwave and high-frequency circuits:

  • Microwave Filters: Used in filters for various applications, including cellular phone communications, satellite receivers, and radar systems.
  • Couplers: Utilized in directional couplers, power dividers, and combiners for signal routing and power management.
  • Phase Shifters: Employed in phase shifters for controlling the phase of microwave signals in antenna systems and radar applications.
  • Impedance Matching Networks: Utilized in impedance matching networks to optimize power transfer between different circuit elements.
  • High-Speed Digital Circuits: Applied in high-speed digital circuits for signal routing and interconnections, enabling fast data transmission.


While offering significant advantages, broadside coupled microstrip lines also pose some challenges:

  • Crosstalk: The strong coupling between lines can lead to crosstalk, where signals on one line interfere with those on other lines. Careful layout and design techniques are necessary to minimize this issue.
  • Parasitic Effects: Capacitive and inductive coupling can introduce parasitic effects, which can distort the desired circuit behavior.
  • Dispersion: The propagation characteristics of the lines are dependent on frequency, leading to dispersion. This needs to be carefully considered in circuit design.


Broadside coupled microstrip lines provide a powerful approach for implementing various microwave functions. Their unique coupling mechanism and flexibility in design have made them an indispensable element in many modern microwave circuits. However, the challenges of crosstalk and parasitic effects need careful consideration during design and optimization. As research continues to explore novel materials and fabrication techniques, the potential applications of broadside coupled microstrip lines are expected to expand even further.

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