Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: Bragg scattering

Bragg scattering

Bragg Scattering: Guiding Light with Periodic Structures

In the realm of optics, understanding how light interacts with matter is crucial. One fascinating phenomenon is Bragg scattering, where light interacts with a medium containing a periodic variation in its refractive index. This phenomenon, named after physicist William Lawrence Bragg, finds its roots in the scattering of X-rays from the crystal lattice of a solid.

Imagine a series of evenly spaced "walls" within a material, each representing a change in the refractive index. When light waves encounter these periodic variations, they scatter and interfere. If the spacing between the "walls" is just right, the scattered waves constructively interfere, leading to a strong reflected beam at a specific angle. This angle, known as the Bragg angle, depends on the wavelength of the light and the spacing of the refractive index variations.

Bragg Scattering in Action: Acousto-optic Modulators

Bragg scattering plays a vital role in various optical devices, including acousto-optic modulators (AOMs). These devices use an ultrasonic wave to create a periodic variation in the refractive index of a material, such as a crystal. When light passes through the crystal, it experiences Bragg scattering, resulting in the deflection of the light beam.

By varying the frequency of the ultrasonic wave, we can control the angle of deflection and hence the frequency of the light. This makes AOMs valuable tools for controlling and manipulating light, finding applications in laser scanning, optical communication, and spectroscopy.

Distinction from Raman–Nath Diffraction

Bragg scattering is often contrasted with Raman–Nath diffraction, another phenomenon occurring when light interacts with periodic structures. In the Raman–Nath regime, the interaction length of light with the periodic structure is relatively short, leading to multiple diffracted beams. In contrast, Bragg scattering occurs when the interaction length is longer, leading to a single, strongly reflected beam at the Bragg angle.

Beyond AOMs: Other Applications of Bragg Scattering

Beyond AOMs, Bragg scattering finds applications in diverse areas:

  • Photonic crystals: These materials are fabricated with a periodic arrangement of dielectric materials, leading to Bragg scattering and the manipulation of light propagation. This allows for the development of photonic devices like waveguides and filters.
  • X-ray diffraction: As its namesake, Bragg scattering forms the basis for X-ray diffraction, a powerful technique used to determine the atomic structure of crystals.


Bragg scattering is a fundamental phenomenon in optics, enabling the controlled manipulation of light through periodic structures. From AOMs to photonic crystals and X-ray diffraction, Bragg scattering continues to revolutionize our understanding and utilization of light, paving the way for advancements in diverse fields.

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