Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: biorthogonal filter bank

biorthogonal filter bank

Biorthogonal Filter Banks: A Powerful Tool for Signal Processing

In the realm of signal processing, filter banks play a crucial role in decomposing signals into different frequency components. One particularly interesting class of filter banks is the biorthogonal filter bank, which offers advantages over its orthogonal counterpart. This article delves into the concept of biorthogonal filter banks, exploring their key characteristics and applications.

Understanding the Fundamentals:

A filter bank is essentially a set of filters that split a signal into multiple subbands. In a biorthogonal filter bank, the analysis filters used to decompose the signal are distinct from the synthesis filters used to reconstruct the original signal. This is in contrast to orthogonal filter banks, where the analysis and synthesis filters are identical.

The key to biorthogonal filter banks lies in their ability to achieve perfect reconstruction. This means that the original signal can be perfectly reconstructed from its subband components without any distortion or loss of information. This is achieved by ensuring that the product of the polyphase transfer functions of the analysis and synthesis filters is a pure delay.

The Power of Biorthogonal Filter Banks:

While orthogonal filter banks are desirable due to their simplicity, they are limited in terms of the filter design options. Biorthogonal filter banks, however, offer a greater degree of flexibility, allowing for:

  • Better frequency selectivity: Biorthogonal filter banks can be designed with sharper transition bands, leading to a more accurate representation of the signal in different frequency ranges.
  • Improved filter performance: The freedom to design separate analysis and synthesis filters allows for optimization of each filter for specific applications. For instance, the analysis filter can be designed to efficiently decompose the signal, while the synthesis filter can be optimized for reconstruction quality.
  • Simplified implementation: In some cases, biorthogonal filter banks can be implemented with fewer taps in the filters, leading to reduced computational complexity.

Applications in Diverse Fields:

Biorthogonal filter banks find applications in various fields, including:

  • Image and audio compression: They are commonly used in compression algorithms like JPEG 2000 and MPEG-4, as they offer better compression efficiency compared to orthogonal filter banks.
  • Multirate signal processing: They are employed in applications like subband coding, where signals are processed at different sampling rates.
  • Medical imaging: Biorthogonal filter banks are used in processing medical images, such as MRIs and CT scans, for improved visualization and analysis.
  • Communication systems: They are incorporated in communication systems for tasks like channel equalization and data transmission.


Biorthogonal filter banks offer a powerful alternative to their orthogonal counterparts, providing greater flexibility and performance in various applications. Their ability to achieve perfect reconstruction while offering improved filter design options makes them an essential tool in signal processing. As research and development continue, we can expect further advancements in biorthogonal filter bank design, leading to even more innovative and efficient solutions across diverse fields.

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