Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: binary-coded decimal (BCD)

binary-coded decimal (BCD)

Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD): A Bridge Between Digital and Decimal Worlds

In the realm of electronics, we often encounter the need to represent and process decimal numbers, which are the foundation of our everyday numerical system. While computers primarily operate in the binary world of 0s and 1s, they often need to interact with decimal data. This is where Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD) comes into play, providing a bridge between these two worlds.

BCD: A Weighted Code for Decimal Numbers

BCD is a weighted code, meaning each bit position in a four-bit pattern carries a specific weight, allowing for representation of decimal digits. This four-bit pattern, known as a nibble, represents each individual decimal position within a number.

How does it work?

Let's consider a nibble with the bits arranged as follows:

[Bit 3] [Bit 2] [Bit 1] [Bit 0]

Each bit position holds a specific weight:

  • Bit 3: 8
  • Bit 2: 4
  • Bit 1: 2
  • Bit 0: 1

To represent a decimal digit, we assign a combination of 1s and 0s to the nibble according to these weights. For instance:

  • Decimal 0: 0000 (0 * 8 + 0 * 4 + 0 * 2 + 0 * 1 = 0)
  • Decimal 5: 0101 (0 * 8 + 1 * 4 + 0 * 2 + 1 * 1 = 5)
  • Decimal 9: 1001 (1 * 8 + 0 * 4 + 0 * 2 + 1 * 1 = 9)

Encoding Decimal Digits: A Direct Mapping

BCD simplifies the encoding process by directly mapping decimal digits 0 to 9 to their corresponding four-bit binary representations. This means:

  • 0: 0000
  • 1: 0001
  • 2: 0010
  • 3: 0011
  • 4: 0100
  • 5: 0101
  • 6: 0110
  • 7: 0111
  • 8: 1000
  • 9: 1001

BCD: Advantages and Applications

BCD offers several advantages:

  • Ease of Conversion: Conversion between BCD and decimal is straightforward, making it easier for humans to understand and interact with data.
  • Decimal Arithmetic: Performing arithmetic operations on BCD numbers is more intuitive and often simpler than with straight binary representations.
  • Displays and Interfaces: Many displays and other peripheral devices use BCD directly, simplifying communication between digital systems and the outside world.

BCD is commonly employed in various applications, including:

  • Digital Clocks and Timers: Displaying time accurately and intuitively.
  • Calculators and Digital Meters: Facilitating calculations and measurements with decimal numbers.
  • Data Logging and Storage: Storing and retrieving data in a user-friendly decimal format.


Binary-Coded Decimal acts as a crucial bridge between the binary language of computers and the decimal world we use every day. By providing a weighted code that directly maps decimal digits to their binary equivalents, BCD simplifies representation, conversion, and arithmetic operations, enabling seamless communication and interaction between digital systems and human users.

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