Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: bidirectional transmission distribution function (BTDF)

bidirectional transmission distribution function (BTDF)

Bidirectional Transmission Distribution Function (BTDF): Illuminating Transmissive Optics

In the realm of optics, understanding how light interacts with materials is crucial for designing efficient and effective optical systems. The Bidirectional Transmission Distribution Function (BTDF) plays a key role in characterizing the scattering behavior of transmissive optics, offering a comprehensive understanding of how light is transmitted through a medium.

What is BTDF?

The BTDF is a mathematical function that describes the distribution of transmitted light intensity across all possible angles of incidence and scattering. It quantifies how much light is scattered in a specific direction when light is incident at a particular angle. This information is invaluable for analyzing and predicting the behavior of light passing through lenses, filters, windows, and other transmissive materials.

Understanding the BTDF:

The BTDF is defined as the ratio of the radiance of the scattered light in a given direction to the incident irradiance on the material. It is essentially a normalized representation of the scattering behavior, with the following characteristics:

  • Scattering Function vs. Angle: The BTDF is a function of both the incident angle (θi) and the scattering angle (θs). It provides a detailed profile of the scattered light intensity at different angles, revealing the directionality and distribution of the transmitted light.
  • Normalization: The BTDF is normalized to the signal at zero degrees (θs = 0°). This allows for a direct comparison of scattering behavior at different angles, independent of the overall light intensity.
  • Solid Angle of Detector: The BTDF is normalized with respect to the solid angle of the detector, ensuring that the scattering measurement is independent of the detector size.
  • Obliquity Factor: The BTDF includes an obliquity factor to account for the varying area of the incident and scattered light beams at different angles. This factor ensures accurate representation of the scattering behavior even when the incident and scattered light beams are not perpendicular to the material surface.

Applications of BTDF:

The BTDF is a versatile tool with numerous applications in various fields:

  • Optical Design: BTDF data helps designers optimize the performance of lenses, filters, and other optical components by predicting light scattering and transmission characteristics.
  • Material Characterization: BTDF measurements provide a detailed analysis of the scattering properties of materials, allowing for the identification and quantification of surface roughness, defects, and other material characteristics.
  • Image Processing: BTDF information can be used to correct for scattering effects in images, improving image clarity and quality.


The Bidirectional Transmission Distribution Function provides a powerful tool for characterizing the scattering behavior of transmissive optics. It offers a comprehensive understanding of light transmission, enabling the development of innovative optical systems, the analysis of material properties, and the enhancement of image processing techniques. As our understanding of optical phenomena continues to advance, the BTDF will remain a crucial tool for unlocking new possibilities in the field of optics.

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