Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: balanced amplifier

balanced amplifier

Unlocking the Power of Balance: Understanding Balanced Amplifiers in Electronics

In the world of electronics, amplifiers play a crucial role in boosting signals, enabling them to travel longer distances or drive larger loads. But not all amplifiers are created equal. Among them, balanced amplifiers stand out for their exceptional performance and resilience, particularly in high-power applications.

This article delves into the intricacies of balanced amplifiers, exploring their core components, benefits, and applications.

Understanding the Building Blocks

A balanced amplifier consists of two identical single-ended amplifiers operating in parallel. This parallel arrangement is facilitated by a crucial component: the 90-degree hybrid.

A 90-degree hybrid acts as a power divider and combiner, taking the signal from the source and splitting it into two equal, but phase-shifted, signals. These signals are then fed to the two single-ended amplifiers. The amplified outputs from these amplifiers are then combined back by the hybrid, resulting in a single output signal.

The Advantage of Balance

The key benefit of this balanced setup lies in its remarkable ability to reduce voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR). VSWR represents the ratio of maximum to minimum voltage along a transmission line, and a high VSWR indicates a significant amount of power being reflected back towards the source.

Balanced amplifiers achieve low VSWR through a clever trick. The reflected power from the load is absorbed by the terminating resistor of the hybrid, preventing it from reaching the source. This absorption mechanism effectively eliminates unwanted reflections and ensures maximum power transfer.

Applications in High-Power Electronics

Balanced amplifiers find widespread use in various high-power applications, including:

  • Satellite and telecommunication systems: High-power amplifiers are essential for transmitting signals over long distances, and balanced amplifiers are ideal for their low VSWR and efficient operation.
  • Radio frequency (RF) systems: Their ability to handle high power makes them perfect for applications like radar, broadcasting, and mobile phone networks.
  • Medical imaging equipment: Powerful amplifiers are necessary for generating and amplifying the signals used in medical imaging technologies like MRI and ultrasound.
  • Industrial applications: Balanced amplifiers are used in various industrial applications, including power amplification, test and measurement equipment, and control systems.


Balanced amplifiers provide an elegant solution for high-power applications, delivering significant advantages in terms of VSWR, efficiency, and reliability. Their ability to suppress reflections and ensure maximum power transfer makes them a crucial component in various high-tech industries. As we move towards a more connected and data-driven future, balanced amplifiers will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of advanced electronics.

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