Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: background


Understanding Background in Electromagnetic Measurements: Separating Signal from Noise

In the realm of electromagnetic measurements, particularly those involving radar cross section (RCS), the concept of "background" plays a crucial role in ensuring accurate data collection and analysis. The background, essentially, represents the unwanted electromagnetic energy received by the measurement system when no target is present. This "noise" originates from various sources, interfering with the detection and analysis of the desired target signal.

What Contributes to Background?

The background signal can be attributed to multiple sources, all contributing to the overall noise level:

  • Positioners and Fixtures: The mechanical systems used to position and support the target during measurement, such as rotating platforms or foam columns, can themselves reflect electromagnetic energy, creating unwanted contributions to the background.
  • Room Environment: The surrounding environment, including walls, floor, and other objects in the measurement room, can reflect and scatter electromagnetic waves, adding to the background signal.
  • Ground Environment: For outdoor measurements, the surrounding terrain, vegetation, and even the ground itself can contribute to background noise.
  • Other Unintended Sources: Additional sources of unwanted signals, such as electrical equipment or interference from other radar systems, can also contribute to the background.

Why Background Matters:

Understanding and accounting for background noise is critical for accurate RCS measurements. If the background is not properly accounted for, it can significantly distort the measured RCS of the target, leading to erroneous conclusions.

Background Subtraction: The Key to Clean Data

To isolate the target signal from the background noise, a process called background subtraction is employed. This involves:

  1. Measuring the background: A measurement is taken with no target present to capture the collective background signal from all sources.
  2. Measuring with the target: A second measurement is taken with the target present.
  3. Vectorial subtraction: The background signal, measured in step 1, is vectorially subtracted from the signal measured with the target present in step 2. This subtraction removes the background noise, leaving only the signal directly related to the target.

The Benefits of Background Subtraction:

  • Improved accuracy: By removing the background noise, background subtraction significantly enhances the accuracy of RCS measurements.
  • Clearer interpretation: The resulting data, free from background interference, provides a clearer picture of the target's scattering characteristics.
  • Enhanced signal-to-noise ratio: Background subtraction improves the signal-to-noise ratio, making it easier to identify and analyze subtle features in the target signal.


Understanding and accounting for background noise is essential for accurate and reliable electromagnetic measurements, particularly in the context of radar cross section analysis. Background subtraction, a critical step in the measurement process, allows researchers and engineers to isolate the desired target signal from unwanted noise, enabling accurate interpretation and analysis of the target's scattering characteristics. This practice plays a vital role in various fields, from radar design and target identification to material characterization and electromagnetic compatibility assessment.

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