Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: automatic chroma control (ACC)

automatic chroma control (ACC)

Keeping Colors Vibrant: Automatic Chroma Control (ACC) in Electronics

In the world of electronic signals, maintaining the purity and intensity of color information is crucial. This is particularly important in video systems, where accurate color reproduction is vital for a satisfying viewing experience. This is where Automatic Chroma Control (ACC) comes into play.

ACC is a technology employed in electronic circuitry to ensure the accurate reproduction of color signals, specifically the chroma, which carries the color information. The ACC circuitry constantly monitors and adjusts the level of the chroma signal to compensate for any degradation or fluctuations it might encounter during transmission or processing.

How does ACC work?

Imagine color information travelling through a long cable or complex electronic circuits. Over time, the signal can weaken or become distorted, leading to faded or inaccurate colors in the final output. ACC addresses this issue by utilizing a color burst reference signal, which is a short burst of color information that travels alongside the main video signal.

The ACC circuitry compares the reference signal with the actual chroma signal. If the reference signal shows signs of degradation, the ACC circuitry will automatically adjust the chroma level to compensate for the loss. This ensures that the color information is consistently displayed at the correct intensity, even if the signal has been weakened or distorted.

Key Benefits of ACC:

  • Improved color accuracy: ACC ensures that colors are displayed accurately, even in the presence of signal degradation.
  • Enhanced viewing experience: Consistent color reproduction makes images and videos look more vibrant and realistic.
  • Reduced color distortion: ACC minimizes the impact of noise and interference on the color signal.
  • Simplified operation: ACC works automatically, requiring no manual adjustments.

Applications of ACC:

ACC is widely used in various electronic devices and systems, including:

  • Television sets: To maintain accurate color reproduction for a great viewing experience.
  • Video cameras: To ensure that recorded footage displays colors accurately.
  • Video editing software: To compensate for any color inconsistencies in the source footage.
  • Video conferencing systems: For clear and vibrant color communication.


Automatic Chroma Control (ACC) plays a vital role in ensuring accurate color reproduction in electronic systems. It works silently behind the scenes, constantly adjusting the chroma signal to compensate for any degradation or fluctuations. This ensures that we experience vibrant and realistic colors in our digital world.

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