Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: asynchronous machine

asynchronous machine

Unraveling the Asynchronous Machine: A Deep Dive into the Heart of Induction Motors

In the realm of electrical engineering, the term "asynchronous machine" often refers to the ubiquitous induction motor. This workhorse of industry, responsible for powering everything from household appliances to massive industrial machinery, operates on a fundamental principle: the interaction of a rotating magnetic field and induced currents within its rotor.

The Asynchronous Nature:

The name "asynchronous" itself hints at the core characteristic of this machine. Unlike synchronous machines, where the rotor rotates at the same speed as the rotating magnetic field, the rotor in an induction motor always rotates slightly slower. This "slip" is essential for the motor's operation, as it creates the necessary electromotive force (EMF) to induce currents in the rotor.

The Heart of the Matter: The Rotating Magnetic Field:

The rotating magnetic field is generated by a stator winding, typically consisting of three-phase windings. Applying alternating current (AC) to these windings creates a magnetic field that rotates in a specific direction. The speed of this rotating magnetic field is called the synchronous speed, which depends on the frequency of the AC supply and the number of poles in the stator winding.

The Induction Effect:

The rotating magnetic field cuts through the conductors of the rotor, which can be either wound (squirrel-cage) or solid (solid rotor). This cutting action induces an EMF and, consequently, currents in the rotor conductors. The interaction between the induced currents and the rotating magnetic field produces a torque that drives the rotor.

Slip - The Key to Operation:

The slip is the difference between the synchronous speed and the rotor speed. This slip is essential for the motor to function, as it dictates the magnitude of the induced currents and, therefore, the torque produced. A higher slip corresponds to a higher torque, but also to higher losses.

Types of Induction Motors:

  • Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors: These are the most common type, featuring a simple rotor structure with conductive bars short-circuited at the ends. They offer robust and reliable operation.
  • Wound Rotor Induction Motors: These motors have a wound rotor with slip rings and brushes, allowing for external resistance to be connected to the rotor circuit. This feature provides greater control over the motor's starting torque and speed.

Advantages of Induction Motors:

  • Simplicity and Robustness: Induction motors have a simple construction, making them robust and reliable.
  • Low Maintenance: With minimal moving parts, they require minimal maintenance.
  • High Efficiency: Induction motors operate with high efficiency, minimizing energy losses.
  • Versatility: They can be used in a wide range of applications, from small household appliances to large industrial machines.

Disadvantages of Induction Motors:

  • Limited Speed Control: Controlling the speed of an induction motor can be more complex compared to other motor types.
  • Starting Torque: Induction motors may have relatively low starting torque, especially at high loads.


The asynchronous machine, specifically the induction motor, is a cornerstone of modern technology. Its simple yet powerful principle of interaction between a rotating magnetic field and induced currents has led to its widespread adoption across various industries. Understanding the fundamental concepts of slip, rotating magnetic field, and induced currents is crucial for appreciating the functionality and versatility of this essential electrical machine.

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