Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: asymmetrical silicon controlled rectifier (ASCR)

asymmetrical silicon controlled rectifier (ASCR)

The Asymmetrical Silicon Controlled Rectifier (ASCR): A Leap Forward in Inverter Technology

Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCRs) are semiconductor devices that have revolutionized power electronics, finding application in everything from power supplies to motor controls. However, traditional SCRs often suffer from limitations that hinder their performance in high-frequency applications, particularly in inverters. These limitations include slow turn-on and turn-off times, and high conduction losses.

Enter the Asymmetrical Silicon Controlled Rectifier (ASCR), a game-changer designed specifically for inverter applications. This innovative device leverages its unique asymmetrical voltage blocking capability to deliver significant performance improvements.

Asymmetry for Enhanced Performance:

Unlike traditional SCRs that exhibit symmetrical voltage blocking in both forward and reverse directions, ASCRs are fabricated with limited reverse voltage capability. This asymmetry is achieved by manipulating the doping profile of the silicon wafer during manufacturing.

The key advantage of this asymmetry lies in its impact on turn-on and turn-off times. The limited reverse voltage capability allows for a faster turn-off time, enabling the device to switch off more rapidly, reducing switching losses and increasing efficiency. Additionally, the asymmetry facilitates a faster turn-on time, minimizing the time required for the device to conduct current.

Reduced Conduction Drop for Improved Efficiency:

Further enhancing the performance of ASCRs is their reduced conduction drop. This signifies lower voltage drop across the device during conduction, minimizing power dissipation and leading to increased efficiency.

Applications of ASCRs:

ASCRs are ideal for high-frequency applications, particularly in inverters, where their ability to switch rapidly and efficiently translates to substantial benefits. They are particularly well-suited for applications such as:

  • Solar Inverters: ASCRs improve the efficiency of solar inverters, leading to higher energy yield from solar panels.
  • Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS): Their fast switching speeds enhance the performance of UPS systems, providing reliable and efficient backup power.
  • Motor Drives: ASCRs can be used to control the speed and torque of electric motors, improving efficiency and reducing energy consumption.


The asymmetrical silicon controlled rectifier (ASCR) offers a significant advancement in power electronics, particularly for inverter applications. Its unique asymmetrical voltage blocking capability, combined with reduced turn-on and turn-off times and lower conduction drop, leads to improved efficiency, faster switching speeds, and enhanced overall performance. ASCRs are poised to play a crucial role in shaping the future of power electronics, enabling the development of more efficient and reliable systems across a wide range of applications.

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