Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: asymmetric multivibrator

asymmetric multivibrator

Understanding Asymmetric Multivibrators: Generating Narrow Pulses

In the world of electronics, multivibrators are versatile circuits capable of generating a variety of waveforms, from square waves to pulses. Among them, the asymmetric multivibrator stands out for its ability to produce trains of narrow pulses, a feature that finds applications in various circuits like timing generators, pulse modulators, and more.

What is an Asymmetric Multivibrator?

An asymmetric multivibrator is a type of multivibrator characterized by unequal durations for its high and low output states. This disparity in timing is achieved by carefully manipulating the charging and discharging processes of a capacitor within the circuit.

The Key Principle: Slow Charge, Fast Discharge

The fundamental principle behind the asymmetric multivibrator lies in the deliberate creation of an imbalance between the charging and discharging rates of a capacitor. This is typically achieved by:

  • Slow Charge: The capacitor is charged through a large resistor or a small current source, resulting in a gradual increase in voltage. This slow charge is responsible for the long space (low output) duration of the pulse train.
  • Fast Discharge: A switch, typically a transistor, is employed to quickly discharge the capacitor once it reaches a predetermined threshold. This rapid discharge ensures the short pulse (high output) duration.

Components and Operation

A typical asymmetric multivibrator circuit usually consists of:

  • Two transistors: These act as switching elements, controlling the charging and discharging of the capacitor.
  • A capacitor: This component stores the charge and determines the pulse duration.
  • Resistors: These elements control the charging and discharging rates of the capacitor, ultimately determining the pulse width and space duration.

Applications of Asymmetric Multivibrators:

Asymmetric multivibrators, due to their ability to generate narrow pulses, find a variety of applications in electronic circuits. Some prominent examples include:

  • Timing generators: Generating precise time intervals for various applications like timers, clocks, and sequencing control.
  • Pulse modulators: Adjusting the width of pulses, crucial for signal processing and communication systems.
  • Frequency dividers: Dividing a high-frequency signal into a lower frequency signal, utilized in counters and digital circuits.
  • Waveform generators: Producing specialized waveforms, useful for testing, signal generation, and audio applications.

Advantages and Disadvantages:

Asymmetric multivibrators offer several advantages:

  • Simplicity: The circuit design is relatively straightforward and easy to implement.
  • Flexibility: By adjusting the resistor values, the pulse width and space duration can be easily customized.
  • Low cost: The components used in the circuit are generally inexpensive.

However, they also have some drawbacks:

  • Limited accuracy: The timing accuracy of the pulses can be influenced by variations in component values and temperature.
  • Synchronization issues: Synchronization of multiple asymmetric multivibrators can be challenging due to the inherent timing variations.


Asymmetric multivibrators provide a cost-effective and versatile solution for generating narrow pulses in various electronic applications. Their simple design, flexibility, and ability to produce precise time intervals make them a valuable tool for engineers and hobbyists alike. Understanding their principle of operation, components, and applications will allow you to harness their potential and design efficient circuits for your specific needs.

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