Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: arrester discharge voltage

arrester discharge voltage

Understanding Arrester Discharge Voltage: Protecting Your Electrical System from Surges

In the world of electrical engineering, surges are a constant threat. These sudden, high-voltage spikes can wreak havoc on delicate equipment, leading to malfunctions, damage, and even fires. To mitigate these risks, surge arresters are employed as crucial safety devices. A key parameter governing their effectiveness is the arrester discharge voltage.

What is Arrester Discharge Voltage?

Arrester discharge voltage refers to the voltage level at which a surge arrester begins to conduct electricity, diverting the surge away from protected equipment. It represents the threshold voltage that triggers the arrester's protective action.

How does it work?

Surge arresters typically employ non-linear resistive elements called varistors. These varistors exhibit a high resistance at normal operating voltage, effectively acting as an open circuit. However, when a surge voltage exceeding the arrester discharge voltage occurs, the varistor's resistance drastically drops, allowing the surge current to flow through the arrester instead of the protected equipment. This shunting action diverts the surge energy to ground, limiting the voltage stress on the system.

Importance of Arrester Discharge Voltage:

The arrester discharge voltage is critical for effective surge protection. It must be carefully chosen to balance protection with system operation:

  • Too low: A low discharge voltage will activate the arrester frequently, even for minor voltage fluctuations. This can lead to increased wear and tear on the arrester, potentially affecting its lifespan and performance.
  • Too high: A high discharge voltage will allow significant voltage stress to reach the protected equipment before the arrester activates. This could result in damage to sensitive components and compromised system integrity.

Factors influencing Arrester Discharge Voltage:

  • Application: The discharge voltage should be selected based on the specific application and the voltage levels involved. For example, arresters used in low-voltage applications will have lower discharge voltages compared to those used in high-voltage systems.
  • Surge characteristics: The expected magnitude and duration of the surge also influence the required discharge voltage. Higher surges require arresters with lower discharge voltages to provide adequate protection.
  • Equipment sensitivity: The sensitivity of the protected equipment dictates the permissible voltage stress during a surge. More sensitive equipment necessitates lower discharge voltages to minimize potential damage.


Arrester discharge voltage is a critical parameter in surge protection design. Understanding its role and carefully selecting the appropriate value ensures optimal protection of electrical systems against surge-induced damage. By employing arresters with properly chosen discharge voltages, engineers can safeguard sensitive equipment and maintain system reliability, reducing downtime and ensuring operational continuity.

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