Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: armature reaction

armature reaction

Armature Reaction: The Hidden Force Behind DC Machine Performance

In the world of electrical machines, understanding the intricacies of DC machines is crucial. One such intricacy is the phenomenon known as armature reaction, a force that can significantly impact the performance and efficiency of these machines.

Understanding the Concept:

Armature reaction, in simple terms, is the distortion of the magnetic field created by the field winding due to the magnetic field created by the armature current. It is a phenomenon that arises from the interaction between these two magnetic fields, leading to both positive and negative consequences.

The Mechanism of Armature Reaction:

Imagine a DC motor with a rotating armature winding carrying current. This current produces its own magnetic field, which interacts with the main field produced by the field winding. This interaction leads to a change in the overall magnetic field distribution within the machine.

The magnetic field created by the armature current interacts with the main field in a way that causes the flux to be lower at one pole-tip and higher at the other. This uneven distribution can lead to magnetic saturation in the area of higher flux.

The Effects of Armature Reaction:

  1. Shifted Neutral Axis: The interaction of the magnetic fields causes a shift in the neutral axis – the position where the armature conductors are not under any induced voltage. This shift results in sparking at the commutator as the brushes try to make contact with the commutator segments at the wrong position.

  2. Reduced Efficiency: The uneven flux distribution leads to reduced efficiency in the machine. This is due to increased losses in the armature winding and increased heating caused by the increased flux density in certain areas.

  3. Commutation Problems: The shifting of the neutral axis makes the commutation process more challenging, leading to increased sparking and potential damage to the commutator.

Managing Armature Reaction:

While armature reaction is a natural phenomenon, its effects can be mitigated through various methods:

  1. Compensating Windings: These windings are embedded within the armature slots and produce a magnetic field that opposes the distorting effect of the armature current, effectively cancelling it out.

  2. Interpoles: These small poles are positioned between the main poles and are excited by the armature current. They generate a magnetic field that counteracts the shift in the neutral axis, improving commutation.

  3. Field Winding Design: By increasing the field winding current, the main magnetic field can be strengthened, reducing the relative impact of the armature field.


Armature reaction is an important factor to consider when designing and operating DC machines. Understanding its causes and effects is crucial for ensuring efficient operation and preventing damage to the machine. Through proper design and compensation techniques, the negative effects of armature reaction can be minimized, enabling DC machines to operate effectively and reliably.

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