Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: arithmetic coding

arithmetic coding

Arithmetic Coding: A Powerful Tool for Data Compression

In the realm of data compression, efficiency reigns supreme. We strive to represent information with the fewest bits possible, maximizing storage space and minimizing transmission time. Arithmetic coding, a powerful and elegant technique, emerges as a champion in this quest for efficient compression.

Developed by pioneers like Elias, Pasco, and Rissanen, arithmetic coding stands out as a lossless compression method, meaning it faithfully reconstructs the original data without any information loss. It achieves this through a unique approach that leverages the structure of binary expansions of real numbers within the unit interval (0 to 1).

The Essence of Arithmetic Coding

Imagine a continuous interval representing all possible data sequences. Arithmetic coding cleverly assigns a unique sub-interval to each sequence, with its size proportional to the probability of that sequence occurring. The smaller the probability, the smaller the assigned sub-interval.

The coding process then boils down to representing the chosen sub-interval using a binary code. This code is derived from the fractional part of the real number associated with the sub-interval. The beauty lies in the fact that this code can be encoded incrementally, meaning we can continuously refine the code as more data arrives.

Key Features of Arithmetic Coding:

  • Efficiency: Arithmetic coding achieves near-optimal compression, approaching the theoretical entropy limit, which represents the minimum possible number of bits required to represent the data.
  • Adaptability: The method can adapt to changing data patterns, making it particularly effective for compressing diverse data types.
  • Flexibility: It can be applied to various data sources, including text, images, and audio.

Applications in Electrical Engineering:

Arithmetic coding finds diverse applications within electrical engineering, including:

  • Digital Communications: Compression of data for efficient transmission over wireless and wired channels.
  • Signal Processing: Encoding and decoding of signals in various domains like audio and image processing.
  • Data Storage: Minimizing storage space required for various digital data formats.

An Illustrative Example:

Consider a simple scenario where we want to compress a sequence of letters "A" and "B," with probabilities 0.8 and 0.2, respectively. Arithmetic coding would assign a smaller sub-interval to "B" due to its lower probability, reflecting the fact that it is less likely to occur. By encoding the sub-interval representing the sequence, we achieve efficient compression.


Arithmetic coding is a powerful technique for achieving high compression ratios while ensuring lossless reconstruction of the original data. Its efficiency, adaptability, and flexibility make it a valuable tool in various electrical engineering domains, driving progress in data communication, signal processing, and data storage technologies.

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