Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: anthropomorphic manipulator

anthropomorphic manipulator

Anthropomorphic Manipulators: Mimicking Human Dexterity in the World of Robotics

In the realm of robotics, anthropomorphic manipulators, also known as jointed, elbow, or articulated manipulators, play a pivotal role. These sophisticated machines are designed to mimic the movement and dexterity of a human arm, offering unparalleled versatility and adaptability in various applications.

Structure and Function:

An anthropomorphic manipulator is characterized by its distinct structure, drawing inspiration from the human anatomy. It typically consists of:

  • Two Shoulder Joints: One for rotation about a vertical axis (often referred to as "yaw"), enabling the manipulator to turn left and right. The second joint provides elevation out of the horizontal plane ("pitch"), allowing the arm to move up and down.
  • Elbow Joint: This joint, with an axis parallel to the shoulder elevation joint, provides the manipulator with the ability to bend and straighten its arm, mirroring the human elbow movement.
  • Wrist Joints: Located at the end of the manipulator, two or three wrist joints grant the robot fine control and manipulation capabilities. These joints allow for rotations and deviations, enabling the manipulator to grasp and manipulate objects with precision.

Key Advantages of Anthropomorphic Manipulators:

  • Flexibility and Dexterity: The multiple joints and their range of motion allow for highly flexible movement, making them suitable for a wide array of tasks, especially in complex and confined environments.
  • Reach and Workspace: The arm-like structure provides a substantial reach, enabling access to difficult-to-reach areas and facilitating manipulation of objects at a distance.
  • Intuitive Control: The anthropomorphic design allows for intuitive programming and control, as the movement patterns mimic human arm motions.
  • Adaptability: Anthropomorphic manipulators can be easily adapted to different tasks by changing the end-effector or tool attached to the wrist.


Anthropomorphic manipulators find widespread use across diverse industries:

  • Manufacturing: Assembly, welding, painting, material handling, and machine tending.
  • Healthcare: Surgical assistance, rehabilitation therapy, and patient care.
  • Research: Experiments, data collection, and manipulation in laboratory environments.
  • Defense: Bomb disposal, reconnaissance, and surveillance.
  • Space exploration: Remote manipulation of equipment and sample collection.

Challenges and Future Developments:

Despite their numerous advantages, anthropomorphic manipulators also face certain challenges:

  • Complexity: The intricate structure and multiple degrees of freedom require sophisticated control systems and algorithms.
  • Cost: The development and production of these advanced robots can be expensive.
  • Safety: Ensuring safe interaction with humans is crucial, especially in collaborative environments.

The future of anthropomorphic manipulators promises exciting advancements, particularly in the development of more sophisticated control systems, improved dexterity and precision, and enhanced safety features. As these robots continue to evolve, they are poised to play an increasingly important role in shaping our future world.

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