Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: angle diversity

angle diversity

Angle Diversity: A Multi-faceted Approach to Boosting Signal Strength

In the world of radio communications, signal strength is paramount. However, obstacles and environmental factors like buildings and trees can create fading, weakening the signal and impacting the quality of communication. One technique to overcome these challenges is angle diversity. This approach relies on receiving a signal from multiple directions, leveraging the fact that these paths can be affected by uncorrelated fading, meaning they won't weaken simultaneously.

How it Works:

Angle diversity works by exploiting the fact that radio waves can take multiple paths to reach a receiver. These paths, known as multipath, can have different lengths and travel times, leading to variations in signal strength. By utilizing multiple antennas spaced apart at the receiver, each antenna can capture a signal that has arrived from a slightly different angle.

The Power of Uncorrelated Fading:

The key to angle diversity's effectiveness lies in the uncorrelated nature of the fading experienced by signals arriving from different angles. If one path experiences severe fading, the other path might be relatively unaffected, allowing the receiver to select the strongest signal or combine the multiple signals to improve overall signal strength.

Combining Methods for Signal Enhancement:

Several methods are employed to combine the signals received from different angles:

  • Selection Diversity: This method simply selects the strongest signal among the received signals at any given moment.
  • Equal Gain Combining (EGC): EGC combines all the received signals with equal weight, averaging the signal strengths and minimizing the effects of fading.
  • Maximal Ratio Combining (MRC): MRC optimizes the combination of signals by weighting each signal based on its strength and phase. This technique provides the maximum signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and offers the best performance in terms of minimizing fading effects.

Advantages of Angle Diversity:

  • Improved Signal Strength: By combining signals from different paths, angle diversity effectively combats fading and enhances the overall signal strength.
  • Enhanced Reliability: The use of multiple paths reduces the chance of complete signal loss, making communication more reliable, especially in challenging environments.
  • Increased Capacity: Angle diversity can increase the capacity of a communication system by enabling the transmission of more data through the available bandwidth.

Applications of Angle Diversity:

Angle diversity finds application in various communication systems, including:

  • Mobile cellular networks: It helps maintain reliable communication in urban areas with complex signal propagation environments.
  • Wireless LANs: It enhances data rates and range in indoor environments with obstacles.
  • Satellite communications: Angle diversity helps overcome atmospheric fading and improve data transmission quality.


Angle diversity is a valuable tool in the arsenal of radio communication engineers, enabling them to overcome the challenges posed by fading and ensure reliable and robust communication. By cleverly combining signals from multiple arrival angles, this technique significantly enhances signal strength and overall system performance. As wireless communication technologies continue to evolve, angle diversity remains a critical technique for ensuring reliable and high-quality connections in diverse environments.

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