Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: amplitude modulation (AM)

amplitude modulation (AM)

Amplitude Modulation: A Foundation of Wireless Communication

Amplitude modulation (AM) is a fundamental technique in electrical engineering for transmitting information over long distances using radio waves. It involves encoding the information signal onto a high-frequency carrier wave by varying its amplitude. This process allows for the efficient transmission of audio, data, and other signals through the air.

Understanding the Process:

Imagine you have a signal, x(t), which represents the information you want to transmit. This could be a voice signal, a music stream, or even data packets. To send this information via radio waves, we need a high-frequency carrier wave, c(t), with a frequency much higher than the signal's frequency content.

The essence of AM lies in multiplying the carrier wave with the information signal. This results in the modulated signal, y(t), which is ready for transmission.

Two Common Carrier Wave Forms:

  • Complex Exponential: The carrier wave can be represented as a complex exponential: c(t) = e^(j(ωc t + θc)). Here, ωc represents the carrier frequency and θc is the phase. This form is often used in theoretical analysis.
  • Sinusoidal Signal: A more practical representation of the carrier wave is a sinusoidal signal: c(t) = cos(ωc t + θc).

In both cases, the carrier wave's amplitude is varied according to the information signal x(t). This modulation process is the core of AM.

Frequency Spectrum Shifting:

The significance of AM lies in the frequency spectrum shifting it produces. When the carrier wave multiplies with the information signal, the spectrum of the information signal shifts by ωc, the carrier frequency. This means the information signal's frequency content now occupies a higher frequency range, which is crucial for efficient transmission.

Demodulation and Signal Recovery:

To recover the original information signal from the received modulated signal, a process called demodulation is used. This process effectively reverses the modulation, shifting the spectrum back to its original form. This allows the information signal to be extracted and used.

Advantages of AM:

  • Simplicity: AM is relatively easy to implement and understand.
  • Wide Applicability: AM finds applications in various areas like radio broadcasting, amateur radio, and even some forms of data transmission.

Limitations of AM:

  • Susceptibility to Noise: AM signals are susceptible to noise and interference, which can degrade signal quality.
  • Limited Bandwidth Efficiency: AM uses a relatively large bandwidth compared to other modulation techniques.

Beyond AM: Frequency Modulation (FM):

While AM is a fundamental technique, other modulation methods like frequency modulation (FM) offer significant advantages. FM, which alters the carrier wave's frequency based on the information signal, is less susceptible to noise and interference.


Amplitude modulation (AM) is a foundational technique in electrical engineering, enabling the transmission of information over long distances using radio waves. Its simplicity and wide applicability have made it a cornerstone of communication systems. However, its susceptibility to noise and limited bandwidth efficiency have led to the development of more advanced techniques like FM. Understanding AM provides a solid foundation for delving deeper into the fascinating world of wireless communication.

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