Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: address map

address map

Understanding Address Maps in Electrical Engineering

In the world of electrical engineering, particularly within the realm of embedded systems and memory management, the concept of an address map is crucial for efficient data access and system organization. An address map essentially acts as a translator, linking logical memory addresses used by the processor to physical memory addresses that correspond to specific memory locations within the system.

Why Address Maps Matter:

  • Organization and Structure: Address maps provide a clear and organized framework for memory allocation, enabling the system to efficiently manage and access various components.
  • Flexibility: They allow for dynamic memory allocation, enabling the system to assign memory space on demand based on the program's requirements.
  • Security: By separating logical and physical addresses, address maps help implement memory protection mechanisms, preventing unauthorized access to specific memory regions.
  • Memory Management: Address maps are fundamental to memory management units (MMUs) which handle tasks like virtual memory, page swapping, and memory protection.

Dissecting the Address Map:

A typical address map is a table that maps logical addresses to physical addresses. This table can be represented in several ways, with a common method being a simple association of base addresses in main memory with object (or page) numbers:

| Base Address (Main Memory) | Object/Page Number | |---|---| | 0x00000000 | 0 | | 0x00001000 | 1 | | 0x00002000 | 2 | | 0x00003000 | 3 | | ... | ... |

Here's how the table works:

  • Base Address: This column represents the starting address of a specific memory region in the main memory.
  • Object/Page Number: This column associates the base address with a logical identifier, often representing a specific object or page in the system.

Examples of Address Maps:

  • Memory-Mapped I/O: In this case, the address map assigns specific memory addresses to peripheral devices, allowing the processor to interact with them as if they were part of the main memory.
  • Page Tables: Operating systems utilize page tables as address maps to manage virtual memory. Each entry in the page table maps a virtual page to its corresponding physical page frame in the main memory.


Address maps play a vital role in memory management and system organization. By translating logical addresses into physical addresses, they enable efficient data access, promote system flexibility, and contribute to memory protection mechanisms. Understanding address maps is essential for any electrical engineer working with embedded systems, memory management, or related applications.

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