Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: address locking

address locking

Address Locking: A Mechanism for Exclusive Memory Access in Multiprocessor Systems

In the realm of modern computing, multiprocessor systems are increasingly common. These systems, with multiple processors sharing a common memory space, face the challenge of ensuring data consistency and avoiding conflicts when multiple processors attempt to access the same memory locations. Address locking emerges as a crucial mechanism for tackling this problem, providing a way to protect specific memory addresses from concurrent access by multiple processors.

What is Address Locking?

Address locking, also known as memory locking or address space protection, is a technique that grants exclusive access to a particular memory address to a single processor. This mechanism prevents other processors from reading or writing to that address, safeguarding data integrity and preventing race conditions.

How does Address Locking work?

Address locking typically employs a hardware-based solution. Each processor possesses a set of lock bits associated with its memory access rights. These lock bits can be set and cleared to control access to specific memory addresses.

  • Setting a lock bit: When a processor needs exclusive access to a memory address, it sets the corresponding lock bit. This effectively prohibits other processors from accessing that address until the lock is released.
  • Releasing the lock: Once the processor has finished its operation on the locked memory location, it releases the lock bit, making the address accessible to other processors.

Advantages of Address Locking:

  • Data Integrity: Prevents data corruption by ensuring that only one processor can access and modify a specific memory location at a time.
  • Race Condition Prevention: Eliminates race conditions, where the outcome of a program depends on the unpredictable timing of multiple processors accessing shared memory.
  • Enhanced Performance: By preventing contention for shared memory resources, address locking can improve the overall performance of multiprocessor systems.

Applications of Address Locking:

Address locking finds applications in various scenarios:

  • Shared Data Structures: Protecting shared data structures like linked lists or queues from simultaneous modifications by multiple processors.
  • Critical Sections: Ensuring exclusive access to critical sections of code where shared resources are modified.
  • Synchronization Primitives: Implementing synchronization primitives like semaphores or mutexes, which control access to shared resources.

Limitations of Address Locking:

  • Overhead: Setting and releasing locks involves additional overhead, potentially impacting system performance.
  • Deadlock Potential: If locks are not acquired and released in a specific order, it can lead to deadlocks, where multiple processors are blocked waiting for each other to release locks.


Address locking is a vital mechanism for ensuring data integrity and preventing race conditions in multiprocessor systems. By providing exclusive access to specific memory addresses, it plays a critical role in the smooth operation and performance of these systems. However, developers must be aware of the limitations and potential pitfalls associated with this mechanism to ensure efficient and deadlock-free operation.

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