Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: active impedance

active impedance

Understanding Active Impedance in Antenna Arrays: The Interplay of Elements

In the realm of antenna engineering, the concept of active impedance plays a crucial role in optimizing the performance of antenna arrays. It goes beyond the inherent impedance of a single antenna element and considers the influence of other elements in the array. In simpler terms, the active impedance represents the impedance seen at the input of a single antenna element when all other elements in the array are simultaneously excited.

The Importance of Active Impedance

Understanding the active impedance of an antenna element is paramount for several reasons:

  • Matching and Efficiency: The active impedance dictates how well the antenna element can be matched to the transmission line, which directly impacts the efficiency of power transfer. Mismatched impedances lead to reflected power, reduced signal strength, and potential damage to the transmitting equipment.
  • Mutual Coupling: Antenna elements in an array interact with each other, affecting their individual impedances. The mutual coupling between elements influences the active impedance and can significantly alter the radiation pattern of the entire array.
  • Array Performance Optimization: By meticulously controlling the active impedance of each element, engineers can fine-tune the array's performance, maximizing its directivity, gain, and bandwidth.

Active Impedance and Mutual Coupling

The concept of active impedance is closely tied to mutual coupling, which is the phenomenon where the electromagnetic fields of different antenna elements interact with each other. This interaction modifies the input impedance of each element, making it different from its intrinsic impedance when isolated.

Understanding the Impact of Mutual Coupling

  • Increased Impedance: Mutual coupling can lead to an increase in the input impedance of an element, making it appear more "resistive" than its isolated counterpart.
  • Decreased Impedance: In some scenarios, mutual coupling can also result in a decrease in input impedance, making the element appear more "reactive."
  • Complex Impedance: The active impedance of an element is often complex, with both resistive and reactive components, due to the interplay of mutual coupling effects.

Calculating Active Impedance

Determining the active impedance of an antenna element in an array involves complex calculations considering various factors like:

  • Element geometry and spacing: The size, shape, and spacing between antenna elements influence the mutual coupling strength.
  • Element excitation: The phase and amplitude of the excitation currents in each element impact the active impedance.
  • Array environment: External factors like surrounding objects and ground can affect the mutual coupling and active impedance.

Tools and Techniques

Various tools and techniques are employed for analyzing and determining the active impedance of an antenna element, including:

  • Simulation software: Numerical electromagnetic simulation software like HFSS, CST Microwave Studio, and COMSOL are invaluable for calculating active impedance and understanding the effects of mutual coupling.
  • Measurement techniques: Experimental techniques like network analyzer measurements are crucial for verifying simulated results and characterizing the actual active impedance of an array.


The active impedance of an antenna element in an array represents a vital aspect of antenna array design. Understanding and carefully managing the active impedance through mutual coupling analysis and optimization techniques is crucial for achieving efficient power transfer, controlling radiation patterns, and maximizing the overall performance of the array. By mastering the principles of active impedance, antenna engineers can design and implement arrays that meet specific applications and achieve optimal results in various wireless communication systems.

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