Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: acousto-optic scanner

acousto-optic scanner

The Sound of Light: Acousto-optic Scanners in Electrical Engineering

The world of electrical engineering is filled with fascinating devices, each utilizing principles of physics to achieve remarkable feats. Among these marvels is the acousto-optic scanner, a device that harnesses the interaction between sound and light to control the direction of a light beam.

Imagine a device that can manipulate light using sound waves. This is the essence of an acousto-optic scanner. It works by introducing an acoustic wave into a photoelastic medium, a material whose refractive index changes in response to mechanical stress. As the acoustic wave travels through this medium, it creates alternating regions of compression and rarefaction, effectively modulating the refractive index along the wave path.

This modulation acts as a dynamic diffraction grating for a light beam passing through the medium. The frequency of the acoustic wave determines the spacing of the grating, which in turn influences the angle at which the light is deflected. By varying the frequency of the acoustic wave, the acousto-optic scanner can precisely steer the light beam to different angular positions.

Key Components:

  • Transducer: This device converts electrical signals into acoustic waves that propagate through the photoelastic medium.
  • Photoelastic Medium: A material like quartz or lithium niobate, whose refractive index is sensitive to mechanical stress.
  • Light Source: A laser or other coherent light source providing the input beam.
  • Detector: A sensor placed at the desired location to capture the deflected light beam.


Acousto-optic scanners find wide applications in various fields, including:

  • Optical Communications: Multiplexing and switching multiple optical channels, enabling high-bandwidth communication systems.
  • Laser Scanning: Used in laser printers, barcode scanners, and medical imaging devices to direct laser beams precisely.
  • Spectroscopy: Analyzing the spectral content of light by rapidly changing the scanning angle.
  • Signal Processing: Real-time frequency filtering and spectrum analysis of electrical signals.


  • Fast scanning speeds: The acoustic wave travels at the speed of sound, enabling rapid changes in the deflection angle.
  • Precise control: The frequency of the acoustic wave can be precisely controlled, allowing for accurate beam steering.
  • Versatility: Acousto-optic scanners can be adapted for various applications due to their flexible design.


  • Limited bandwidth: The frequency range of the acoustic wave limits the scanning angle and speed.
  • Power consumption: Generating and maintaining the acoustic wave requires significant power.
  • Cost: Acousto-optic scanners can be relatively expensive to manufacture.


Acousto-optic scanners represent a remarkable fusion of sound and light manipulation, enabling innovative applications in electrical engineering and beyond. Their ability to control light with acoustic waves opens up exciting possibilities for advancements in communication, imaging, and signal processing technologies. As research and development continue, we can expect to see even more applications of this intriguing device in the future.

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