Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: adjacent channel power

adjacent channel power

Understanding Adjacent Channel Power: A Key Factor in Wireless Communication

In the bustling world of wireless communication, where signals constantly crisscross the airwaves, efficient spectrum utilization is paramount. One crucial metric in ensuring this efficiency is adjacent channel power (ACP). This article delves into the intricacies of ACP, explaining its significance and the factors that contribute to its rise.

What is Adjacent Channel Power?

Imagine a bustling city where numerous radio waves, each carrying different information, are transmitting simultaneously. Each wave occupies a specific frequency band, its own "lane" on the information highway. ACP measures the amount of signal power that "spills over" from one lane into the neighboring lane, potentially interfering with other transmissions.

In essence, ACP represents the power of distortion components generated in an adjacent channel. This distortion arises due to the non-linear behavior of high-power amplifiers used to amplify digitally modulated signals, such as QPSK or QAM. As these signals travel through the amplifier, they undergo slight modifications, creating spectral components that extend beyond their intended frequency band.

Measuring ACP: A Ratio of Signal Strength

ACP is quantified as the ratio of the signal power in the intended channel to the power leaking into the adjacent channel. The measurement is typically expressed in decibels (dBc), representing the ratio of the desired signal power to the unwanted signal power in the adjacent channel. A lower ACP value indicates less interference, implying a more efficient and cleaner transmission.

Factors Affecting ACP

Several factors influence the level of ACP in a wireless system:

  • Modulation Scheme: More complex modulation schemes, like QAM, tend to exhibit higher ACP due to their wider bandwidth requirements.
  • Amplifier Characteristics: The non-linearity of the high-power amplifier plays a crucial role in determining ACP. Amplifiers with a higher degree of non-linearity contribute to increased ACP.
  • Power Level: Higher power levels generally lead to higher ACP, as the amplifier operates closer to its saturation point.
  • Operating Frequency: ACP tends to increase at higher frequencies due to the smaller bandwidths available.

Consequences of High ACP

High ACP can have detrimental effects on wireless communication:

  • Interference: Leakage of signal power into adjacent channels can cause interference, leading to degraded signal quality and reduced communication range.
  • Spectrum Efficiency: High ACP reduces the overall spectrum efficiency by limiting the number of signals that can be transmitted within a given frequency band.
  • Compliance Issues: Regulatory bodies often impose limits on ACP to ensure that signals do not interfere with other services.

Mitigation Strategies

Various techniques can be employed to minimize ACP:

  • Linear Amplifiers: Using amplifiers with a higher degree of linearity can reduce the amount of signal distortion.
  • Pre-distortion: By introducing pre-distortion to the signal before amplification, the amplifier's non-linearity can be compensated for.
  • Digital Pre-distortion: This advanced technique utilizes digital signal processing to precisely compensate for the amplifier's non-linearity, significantly reducing ACP.
  • Adaptive Filtering: By dynamically adjusting the amplifier's output signal, adaptive filtering can minimize ACP.


ACP is a critical parameter in wireless communication, influencing signal quality, spectrum efficiency, and compliance with regulatory standards. Understanding the factors that contribute to ACP and implementing effective mitigation strategies are crucial for ensuring the smooth and reliable operation of wireless networks. As technology advances, the pursuit of low ACP will continue to drive innovation in amplifier design and signal processing, fostering a future of efficient and robust wireless communication.

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