Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: 2-D general model

2-D general model

Unveiling the 2-D General Model: A Foundation for Multidimensional Systems in Electrical Engineering

The world of electrical engineering often transcends the limitations of one-dimensional systems, venturing into the realm of multidimensional signals and processes. To model these complex phenomena, the 2-D General Model emerges as a powerful tool, providing a comprehensive framework for understanding and analyzing systems evolving across two spatial dimensions.

The 2-D General Model: A Mathematical Description

At its core, the 2-D General Model is a mathematical representation of a system's behavior using a set of equations. The model captures the relationship between a system's state, inputs, and outputs across a two-dimensional grid. This grid can represent various physical phenomena, such as the spatial distribution of voltage in a circuit or the behavior of image pixels in a digital image processing system.

The defining equations of the 2-D General Model are:

State Equation: x{i+1,j+1} = A0x{i,j} + A1x{i+1,j} + A2x{i,j+1} + B0u{i,j} + B1u{i+1,j} + B2u_{i,j+1}

Output Equation: y{i,j} = Cx{i,j} + Du_{i,j}


  • x_{i,j} ∈ R^n: Represents the local state vector at position (i,j) on the grid.
  • u_{i,j} ∈ R^m: Represents the input vector at position (i,j).
  • y_{i,j} ∈ R^p: Represents the output vector at position (i,j).
  • Ak, Bk (k = 0, 1, 2), C, D: Real matrices defining the system's dynamics and how input and state influence the output.

Special Cases: The Fornasini–Marchesini Models

The 2-D General Model encompasses two important special cases known as the Fornasini–Marchesini models:

  • First 2-D Fornasini–Marchesini Model: Achieved by setting B1 = B2 = 0. This model focuses on the influence of neighboring state variables on the current state.
  • Second 2-D Fornasini–Marchesini Model: Achieved by setting A0 = 0 and B0 = 0. This model emphasizes the direct impact of input on the current state, neglecting the influence of neighboring states.

These special cases allow for targeted analysis of specific systems where certain influences are dominant.

Applications of the 2-D General Model

The 2-D General Model finds applications in various domains of electrical engineering, including:

  • Image Processing: Modeling the behavior of image filters and analyzing image transformations.
  • Control Systems: Designing controllers for spatially distributed systems like robotic arms or automated manufacturing processes.
  • Circuit Analysis: Understanding the behavior of multidimensional circuits and modeling the distribution of signals across circuits.
  • Signal Processing: Analyzing and filtering multidimensional signals like those found in radar or medical imaging.


The 2-D General Model provides a versatile framework for analyzing and controlling multidimensional systems in electrical engineering. Its ability to account for spatial variations and the interactions between neighboring points makes it a powerful tool for tackling complex problems in image processing, control, and other related fields. The Fornasini–Marchesini models offer specific insights into systems where certain aspects of the model are dominant, further enhancing the model's applicability in real-world scenarios.

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