Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: 2-D Attasi model

2-D Attasi model

Deconstructing the 2-D Attasi Model: A Look into Multidimensional Systems

The 2-D Attasi model, introduced by Serge Attasi in 1973, provides a foundational framework for analyzing and understanding multidimensional systems. These systems, unlike their one-dimensional counterparts, evolve over two independent variables, often representing spatial coordinates (e.g., rows and columns of a digital image) or time and space. The model's significance lies in its ability to capture the inherent interdependence between these variables, enabling the analysis of complex phenomena across multiple dimensions.

Understanding the Equations

The 2-D Attasi model is defined by the following pair of equations:

State Equation:

x(i+1, j+1) = -A1*A2*x(i, j) + A1*x(i+1, j) + A2*x(i, j+1) + B*u(i, j)

Output Equation:

y(i, j) = C*x(i, j) + D*u(i, j)


  • x(i, j) ∈ R^n: The local state vector at the spatial location (i, j). It encapsulates the system's internal state at that point.
  • u(i, j) ∈ R^m: The input vector applied at the location (i, j), representing external stimuli influencing the system.
  • y(i, j) ∈ R^p: The output vector observed at location (i, j), representing the system's response to inputs and internal state.
  • A1, A2, B, C, and D: Real matrices of appropriate dimensions representing the system's dynamics.

Key Insights from the Model:

The Attasi model reveals several crucial aspects of multidimensional systems:

  • Spatial Coupling: The state equation explicitly captures the interdependence between neighboring locations. The terms involving A1 and A2 demonstrate how the system's state at (i+1, j) and (i, j+1) influence the state at (i+1, j+1), highlighting the spatial coupling.
  • Input-Output Relationship: The output equation defines how the output at a location is influenced by the local state and input, allowing the analysis of the system's response to external stimuli.
  • Linearity: The model assumes a linear relationship between state, input, and output, providing a convenient analytical framework for many systems.

Applications and Extensions

The 2-D Attasi model finds applications in various fields, including:

  • Image Processing: Analyzing and manipulating digital images based on their spatial structure.
  • Control Theory: Designing controllers for multi-dimensional systems, such as robotic arms or autonomous vehicles.
  • Signal Processing: Analyzing and filtering multi-dimensional signals, such as those found in radar or sonar systems.

Extensions to the model have been proposed to accommodate nonlinearities, time-varying parameters, and other complexities.


The 2-D Attasi model offers a powerful framework for understanding and analyzing systems that evolve over multiple dimensions. Its ability to capture spatial coupling, input-output relationships, and linear dynamics makes it a valuable tool for addressing various real-world problems in image processing, control theory, and signal processing. As research progresses, the model continues to inspire new extensions and applications in the ever-expanding world of multidimensional systems.

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