Industrial Electronics

2-D Attasi model

Deconstructing the 2-D Attasi Model: A Look into Multidimensional Systems

The 2-D Attasi model, introduced by Serge Attasi in 1973, provides a foundational framework for analyzing and understanding multidimensional systems. These systems, unlike their one-dimensional counterparts, evolve over two independent variables, often representing spatial coordinates (e.g., rows and columns of a digital image) or time and space. The model's significance lies in its ability to capture the inherent interdependence between these variables, enabling the analysis of complex phenomena across multiple dimensions.

Understanding the Equations

The 2-D Attasi model is defined by the following pair of equations:

State Equation:

x(i+1, j+1) = -A1*A2*x(i, j) + A1*x(i+1, j) + A2*x(i, j+1) + B*u(i, j)

Output Equation:

y(i, j) = C*x(i, j) + D*u(i, j)


  • x(i, j) ∈ R^n: The local state vector at the spatial location (i, j). It encapsulates the system's internal state at that point.
  • u(i, j) ∈ R^m: The input vector applied at the location (i, j), representing external stimuli influencing the system.
  • y(i, j) ∈ R^p: The output vector observed at location (i, j), representing the system's response to inputs and internal state.
  • A1, A2, B, C, and D: Real matrices of appropriate dimensions representing the system's dynamics.

Key Insights from the Model:

The Attasi model reveals several crucial aspects of multidimensional systems:

  • Spatial Coupling: The state equation explicitly captures the interdependence between neighboring locations. The terms involving A1 and A2 demonstrate how the system's state at (i+1, j) and (i, j+1) influence the state at (i+1, j+1), highlighting the spatial coupling.
  • Input-Output Relationship: The output equation defines how the output at a location is influenced by the local state and input, allowing the analysis of the system's response to external stimuli.
  • Linearity: The model assumes a linear relationship between state, input, and output, providing a convenient analytical framework for many systems.

Applications and Extensions

The 2-D Attasi model finds applications in various fields, including:

  • Image Processing: Analyzing and manipulating digital images based on their spatial structure.
  • Control Theory: Designing controllers for multi-dimensional systems, such as robotic arms or autonomous vehicles.
  • Signal Processing: Analyzing and filtering multi-dimensional signals, such as those found in radar or sonar systems.

Extensions to the model have been proposed to accommodate nonlinearities, time-varying parameters, and other complexities.


The 2-D Attasi model offers a powerful framework for understanding and analyzing systems that evolve over multiple dimensions. Its ability to capture spatial coupling, input-output relationships, and linear dynamics makes it a valuable tool for addressing various real-world problems in image processing, control theory, and signal processing. As research progresses, the model continues to inspire new extensions and applications in the ever-expanding world of multidimensional systems.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Deconstructing the 2-D Attasi Model

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary difference between a 1-D and a 2-D system, as defined by the Attasi model?

a) 2-D systems have a larger state vector.


Incorrect. The size of the state vector is determined by the system's internal variables, not its dimensionality.

b) 2-D systems evolve over two independent variables, while 1-D systems evolve over one.


Correct! This is the defining characteristic of a 2-D system in the Attasi model.

c) 2-D systems are always linear, while 1-D systems can be nonlinear.


Incorrect. The Attasi model itself assumes linearity for both 1-D and 2-D systems. However, extensions exist to handle nonlinearities.

d) 2-D systems are used for image processing, while 1-D systems are used for signal processing.


Incorrect. Both 1-D and 2-D systems find applications in various fields, including image processing and signal processing.

2. What do the terms involving matrices A1 and A2 in the state equation represent?

a) The system's inputs.


Incorrect. Inputs are represented by the matrix B in the state equation.

b) The system's outputs.


Incorrect. Outputs are determined by the matrix C in the output equation.

c) The system's spatial coupling.


Correct! These terms demonstrate the influence of neighboring locations on the current state.

d) The system's dynamics over time.


Incorrect. The Attasi model focuses on spatial dynamics, not temporal evolution.

3. Which of the following applications is NOT directly related to the 2-D Attasi model?

a) Analyzing a digital image for features.


Incorrect. Image analysis is a prime application of the 2-D Attasi model.

b) Controlling a robotic arm's movements.


Incorrect. The 2-D Attasi model can be used to model and control multi-dimensional systems like robotic arms.

c) Simulating weather patterns on a global scale.


Correct! While weather patterns are complex multidimensional systems, the Attasi model might not be the ideal tool due to its limitations in handling nonlinearities and temporal dynamics.

d) Filtering noise from a radar signal.


Incorrect. Radar signal processing often involves analyzing signals with spatial characteristics, making the 2-D Attasi model relevant.

4. What does the output equation in the Attasi model demonstrate?

a) How the system's state influences its input.


Incorrect. The output equation shows how the state and input influence the output, not vice versa.

b) The relationship between the system's state and output.


Correct! The equation defines how the output is generated based on the local state and input.

c) The system's internal dynamics.


Incorrect. The output equation focuses on the output behavior, not the internal workings of the system.

d) The system's response to external stimuli.


Incorrect. While the equation reflects the system's response to stimuli, it also includes the influence of the internal state.

5. Which of the following is NOT a limitation of the 2-D Attasi model?

a) It assumes linearity in the system's relationships.


Incorrect. Linearity is a key assumption of the Attasi model.

b) It does not account for time-varying parameters.


Incorrect. The Attasi model assumes constant parameters, making it less suitable for time-varying systems.

c) It cannot handle complex spatial dependencies.


Incorrect. The model explicitly considers spatial coupling between neighboring locations.

d) It can be computationally expensive for large systems.


Correct! While not a fundamental limitation, the model's complexity can lead to increased computational requirements for large-scale systems.

Exercise: Simulating a Simple 2-D Attasi Model

Task: Consider a simple 2-D system with the following parameters:

  • n = 2: The state vector has two components.
  • m = 1: The input is a scalar.
  • p = 1: The output is a scalar.

The matrices are defined as:

  • A1 = [[1, 0], [0, 0.5]]
  • A2 = [[0.8, 0], [0, 0.6]]
  • B = [[1], [0.2]]
  • C = [1, 0]
  • D = 0

Assume an initial state vector x(0, 0) = [0, 1] and a constant input u(i, j) = 1 for all locations.

Write a Python code to simulate the system for a 5x5 grid. Output the state vector and the output at each location.

Exercise Correction:

Exercice Correction

```python import numpy as np # Define the system parameters A1 = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0.5]]) A2 = np.array([[0.8, 0], [0, 0.6]]) B = np.array([[1], [0.2]]) C = np.array([1, 0]) D = 0 # Initialize the state vector x = np.zeros((5, 5, 2)) x[0, 0] = [0, 1] # Set the input u = np.ones((5, 5)) # Simulate the system for i in range(5): for j in range(5): if i > 0 and j > 0: x[i, j] = -A1 @ A2 @ x[i-1, j-1] + A1 @ x[i, j-1] + A2 @ x[i-1, j] + B * u[i, j] y = C @ x[i, j] + D * u[i, j] print(f"Location ({i}, {j}): State: {x[i, j]}, Output: {y}") ``` This code will simulate the system for a 5x5 grid, iterating through each location and updating the state vector based on the Attasi model equations. It then calculates the output for each location and prints both the state and output.


  • Digital Image Processing by Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods: A comprehensive resource on image processing, including sections on 2-D systems and the Attasi model.
  • Linear Systems Theory by Thomas Kailath: A classic textbook covering linear systems theory, with sections on multidimensional systems and their representation.
  • Discrete-Time Systems: An Introduction by Alan V. Oppenheim and Ronald W. Schafer: Discusses the fundamental concepts of discrete-time systems, providing a basis for understanding multidimensional systems.


  • "A New Approach to the Analysis of Two-Dimensional Systems" by S. Attasi (1973): This seminal work introduced the 2-D Attasi model and its applications.
  • "Two-Dimensional Systems: An Overview" by N.K. Bose (1982): An excellent overview of the development and applications of two-dimensional systems theory.
  • "A Unified Approach to 2-D System Theory" by E. Fornasini and G. Marchesini (1978): Presents a generalized framework for two-dimensional systems theory, including the Attasi model.

Online Resources

  • Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on Systems Theory: Provides a philosophical overview of systems theory, including discussion of multidimensional systems.
  • MATLAB documentation for 2-D system analysis: Provides code examples and functions for analyzing two-dimensional systems using MATLAB.
  • Scholarly articles on "Attasi Model" on Google Scholar: Search Google Scholar for "Attasi Model" to access a collection of research papers and dissertations on the subject.

Search Tips

  • Use specific search terms: Search for "2-D Attasi model", "Attasi model image processing", "Attasi model control theory", etc. to refine your search results.
  • Combine search terms: Use Boolean operators like "AND" and "OR" to narrow down your search. For example, "Attasi model AND image processing".
  • Include keywords: Add relevant keywords like "linear systems", "multidimensional", "spatial coupling", etc. to your search query.


Chapter 1: Techniques for Analyzing the 2-D Attasi Model

The 2-D Attasi model, while seemingly straightforward, requires specific techniques for its analysis and application. These techniques primarily revolve around handling the inherent complexities of the two-dimensional state space and the interdependence between spatial locations. Key techniques include:

  • State-Space Representation and Transformations: The model's core is its state-space representation. Analyzing this representation often involves transformations to simplify the equations or reveal specific characteristics. For instance, transforming the model to the frequency domain (using 2-D Z-transforms or Fourier transforms) can provide insights into the system's frequency response and stability. Other transformations might involve matrix decompositions (e.g., singular value decomposition) to simplify computations or identify dominant system modes.

  • Stability Analysis: Determining the stability of a 2-D Attasi system is crucial. Unlike 1-D systems, the stability conditions are more complex and often involve testing the location of the roots of a 2-D characteristic polynomial or employing Lyapunov-based methods tailored for 2-D systems. These methods help ascertain whether the system's response will remain bounded over time and space.

  • Model Reduction Techniques: For high-order systems (large state vectors), the computational cost of analysis can become prohibitive. Model reduction techniques, such as balanced truncation or Hankel-norm approximation, can be employed to create lower-order models that accurately approximate the behavior of the original system. This allows for simpler analysis and implementation.

  • System Identification: In practical applications, the parameters (A1, A2, B, C, D) of the Attasi model may not be known a priori. System identification techniques are used to estimate these parameters from input-output data. These techniques often involve optimization algorithms to minimize the difference between the model's predicted output and the actual measured output.

  • Numerical Solution Methods: Solving the state equation for arbitrary inputs and initial conditions often requires numerical methods. Iterative techniques are commonly employed, proceeding from initial conditions across the spatial grid. The computational efficiency and stability of these numerical schemes are important considerations.

Chapter 2: Models Related to and Extending the 2-D Attasi Model

The 2-D Attasi model serves as a foundation for understanding and modeling multidimensional systems. However, several related models extend its capabilities to address more complex scenarios:

  • Roesser Model: A closely related model that uses a different state-space representation, offering alternative perspectives on 2-D system dynamics. Comparing and contrasting the Attasi and Roesser models highlights different approaches to representing spatial coupling.

  • Fornasini-Marchesini Models: This family of models offers greater flexibility in representing various types of spatial interactions. Specific Fornasini-Marchesini models can be tailored to different system characteristics, potentially providing a better fit for systems that deviate from the Attasi model’s assumptions.

  • Nonlinear Extensions: The standard Attasi model is linear. Several extensions incorporate nonlinearities to capture more realistic system behavior in applications where linear models are insufficient. These nonlinear extensions often involve introducing nonlinear functions into the state or output equations.

  • Time-Varying Models: The original Attasi model assumes constant parameters. Time-varying extensions allow for modeling systems where the parameters change over time, leading to more dynamic and adaptable representations.

  • Stochastic Models: Incorporating stochastic elements into the model allows for handling noise and uncertainty in measurements and system dynamics. This leads to more robust and reliable models for real-world applications.

Chapter 3: Software and Tools for 2-D Attasi Model Analysis

Several software packages and tools can be used to simulate, analyze, and implement the 2-D Attasi model:

  • MATLAB: MATLAB provides a comprehensive environment for linear system analysis, including functions for state-space representation, system identification, and stability analysis. The Symbolic Math Toolbox can be used for symbolic manipulation of the model equations.

  • Python with Control Systems Libraries: Libraries like control and scipy offer functionalities for linear system analysis, including state-space manipulation and simulation. Numerical methods for solving the state equations can also be implemented efficiently.

  • Specialized Image Processing Software: For applications in image processing, dedicated software such as ImageJ or OpenCV can be utilized, potentially integrated with custom code implementing the Attasi model for image filtering or analysis.

  • Custom Implementations: Depending on the specific application and requirements, custom software implementations might be necessary, especially for handling high-dimensional systems or complex numerical simulations.

The choice of software depends on factors such as the complexity of the model, the desired analysis techniques, and the user's familiarity with programming languages.

Chapter 4: Best Practices for Working with the 2-D Attasi Model

Effective use of the 2-D Attasi model necessitates adherence to best practices:

  • Model Validation: It's crucial to validate the model against real-world data or simulations. Comparing the model's predictions to actual observations ensures the model accurately represents the system's behavior.

  • Careful Parameter Selection: The accuracy and stability of the model are heavily influenced by the choice of parameters (A1, A2, B, C, D). Appropriate methods for parameter estimation and sensitivity analysis are essential.

  • Computational Efficiency: For high-order systems or large datasets, computational efficiency becomes a significant concern. Optimizing algorithms and utilizing efficient numerical methods are important.

  • Clear Documentation: Maintaining clear documentation of the model, its parameters, and the analysis process is crucial for reproducibility and collaboration.

  • Appropriate Model Complexity: Choosing a model that's sufficiently complex to capture the essential features of the system but not unnecessarily complicated is vital for both accuracy and efficiency. Overly complex models can be difficult to analyze and interpret.

Chapter 5: Case Studies of 2-D Attasi Model Applications

The 2-D Attasi model finds diverse applications across various fields:

  • Image Filtering: The model can be used to design 2-D filters for image enhancement, noise reduction, or feature extraction. This involves designing the parameters (A1, A2, B, C, D) to achieve the desired filtering characteristics. A case study could focus on the design of a filter for removing specific types of noise from a digital image.

  • Control of Robotic Manipulators: The model can be applied to design controllers for robotic arms operating in two-dimensional space. The system's state could represent the position and velocity of the manipulator, with inputs representing control signals. A case study could involve designing a controller to achieve a specific trajectory for a robot arm.

  • Analysis of 2-D Signals: The model can be applied to analyze and process signals originating from 2-D sensor arrays (e.g., in radar or sonar systems). This could involve designing algorithms for signal enhancement or detection. A case study could analyze the effectiveness of the Attasi model in detecting targets from noisy 2-D radar data.

  • Modeling Spatio-temporal Systems: Although originally presented for purely spatial systems, the model can be adapted to represent systems evolving over both time and space. This requires careful interpretation of the indices (i,j) and can be used, for example, in modeling diffusion processes.

These case studies illustrate the versatility and practical applicability of the 2-D Attasi model in various engineering disciplines. Each case would involve a detailed description of the problem, the model formulation, the analysis techniques employed, and the results obtained.

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