Astronomical Terms Used in Stellar Astronomy: Suha


Suha: The Star That Tests Your Sight

In the star-studded tapestry of the night sky, nestled close to the brilliant star Mizar in the constellation Ursa Major, lies a faint companion – Suha. This seemingly insignificant star, invisible to many, holds a fascinating history woven with ancient lore and scientific observation.

For centuries, Suha (also known as Alcor) has been used as a test of visual acuity. Its faintness, contrasting with the brightness of Mizar, made it a challenge for the naked eye to discern, prompting its name which translates to "the little one" in Arabic.

Ancient Significance:

Suha's significance transcends its physical properties. In ancient cultures, particularly Arab astronomy, it played a crucial role in star navigation and celestial lore. The pair, Mizar and Suha, were often associated with the "horse and rider," symbolizing strength and guidance.

Scientific Perspective:

Beyond its mythological significance, Suha holds scientific value. It is a binary star system, meaning it consists of two stars orbiting a common center of gravity. The primary star, Alcor A, is a white main-sequence star, while its companion, Alcor B, is a red dwarf star.

A Test of Time:

The use of Suha as a visual acuity test highlights a fascinating aspect of human observation. Over time, the faintness of Suha has been used to gauge the quality of sight, offering a glimpse into the history of human perception. Its ability to challenge the eye has made it a constant reminder of the human capacity to observe and interpret the universe.


Suha, the "little one" near Mizar, may be faint, but its impact is profound. From its role in ancient star navigation to its use as a test of visual acuity, this star has woven a rich tapestry of cultural and scientific significance. Its faint glimmer continues to remind us of the vastness of the universe and the remarkable ability of humans to observe, understand, and appreciate the wonders of the night sky.

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