Astronomical Terms Used in Galactic Astronomy: Prolate Spheroid

Prolate Spheroid

The Prolate Spheroid: Shaping Stars and Stellar Evolution

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, stars come in an incredible array of sizes and shapes. One of the intriguing shapes found in the stellar realm is the prolate spheroid. This term, often used in astronomy, describes a specific geometric form that plays a significant role in understanding the evolution of certain types of stars.

The Geometry of a Prolate Spheroid:

Imagine an ellipse, a stretched-out circle. Now, envision rotating this ellipse around its longer axis, known as the major axis. The three-dimensional form that results is a prolate spheroid - a solid object that is elongated along one axis and flattened along the other two. Think of it like a rugby ball or a slightly squashed sphere.

Prolate Spheroids in Stellar Astronomy:

While not all stars are prolate spheroids, this shape is particularly relevant to certain types of stars, especially those with rapid rotation rates. Here's why:

  • Rapid Rotation: As a star spins, its centrifugal force, the outward force generated by rotation, becomes increasingly significant. In rapidly rotating stars, this force counteracts the inward pull of gravity, leading to a bulging at the equator and a flattening at the poles. This deformation is what creates the prolate spheroid shape.
  • Stellar Evolution: The shape of a star can impact its evolution. Prolate spheroids, due to their elongated nature, can experience different evolutionary paths than spherical stars. For example, they might be more susceptible to instability and mass loss.
  • Observational Evidence: Astronomers can identify prolate spheroids in stars by analyzing their light. The shape of a star affects the distribution of light emitted from its surface. By studying the spectral lines and brightness variations, scientists can deduce the star's shape.

Examples of Prolate Spheroid Stars:

  • Rapidly rotating stars: Stars with very fast rotation rates are more likely to be prolate spheroids.
  • Be stars: These are stars with a circumstellar disk of gas and dust. The rotation of the star can cause the disk to bulge at the equator, leading to a prolate spheroid shape.
  • Wolf-Rayet stars: These massive, hot stars are known for their strong stellar winds and high rotation rates, which can contribute to their prolate spheroid shape.


The prolate spheroid, a seemingly simple geometric shape, plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior and evolution of stars. Its influence on the lives of certain stars highlights the complexity and beauty of the stellar realm, where even subtle changes in form can have significant consequences. As we continue to explore the universe, the study of prolate spheroids and other stellar shapes will undoubtedly unveil further secrets of the cosmos.

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