
Astronomical Terms Used in Stellar Astronomy: Megrez


Megrez: The "Tail" of the Great Bear

Megrez, a name often associated with the star ζ Ursae Majoris, is a celestial object deeply embedded in the history and mythology of astronomy. While not as widely known as its brighter siblings in the constellation Ursa Major (the Great Bear), Megrez plays a crucial role in shaping the familiar shape of the "Big Dipper."

Location and Importance:

Megrez sits at the "tail" of the Big Dipper, forming the bend in its handle. This distinctive position, alongside its fellow stars, makes it an essential marker for celestial navigation and stargazing.

Physical Characteristics:

Megrez is a white main-sequence star, categorized as an A3V star. This means it is similar to our Sun in terms of its spectral type and is still fusing hydrogen into helium in its core.

  • Magnitude: Megrez has an apparent magnitude of 3.32, meaning it is relatively bright in the night sky, but not as brilliant as its neighboring stars.
  • Distance: It is located approximately 79 light-years away from Earth.
  • Mass and Size: Megrez is slightly larger and more massive than our Sun.

Cultural Significance:

  • Arab Origins: The name "Megrez" originates from Arabic, meaning "root" or "base." This refers to its position at the base of the Dipper's handle.
  • Mythology: Like many stars, Megrez is linked to various myths and legends. In some cultures, it represents the "tail" of the Great Bear, which was chased by the hunter Orion across the sky.

Modern Observations:

Megrez has been extensively studied by modern astronomers. They have discovered that it is:

  • A binary star: While Megrez appears as a single star to the naked eye, it is actually a binary system, consisting of two stars orbiting each other. However, its companion star is much fainter and less massive, making it challenging to observe.
  • A potential exoplanet host: Recent studies suggest the possibility of a planet orbiting Megrez. Further observations are needed to confirm this.


While not the brightest star in Ursa Major, Megrez holds a significant place in the celestial tapestry. Its strategic location, fascinating history, and potential for future discoveries make it an intriguing subject of study for both amateur and professional astronomers. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of the universe, Megrez, the "tail" of the Great Bear, remains a captivating beacon in the night sky.

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