Astronomical Terms Used in Stellar Astronomy: Gomeisa


Gomeisa: The Bright Eye of the Little Dog

Gomeisa, also known as 3 Oanis Minoris, is a captivating star residing in the constellation Canis Minor, the Little Dog. Though not as famous as its bright neighbor Procyon, Gomeisa holds its own charm, boasting a striking blue-white hue and a unique place in astronomical history.

The Name:

The name "Gomeisa" is derived from the Arabic phrase "Al-Ghamisa," meaning "the blinking one." This intriguing name likely alludes to the star's pulsating nature, a characteristic that sets it apart from other celestial bodies.

The Star:

Gomeisa is a B-type star, meaning it's significantly hotter and brighter than our Sun. Its blue-white glow betrays its high surface temperature, estimated to be around 14,000 Kelvin. While smaller than the Sun in size, it's considerably more massive, clocking in at about 4.5 times the Sun's mass.

A Pulsating Giant:

Gomeisa isn't just a bright star; it's also a variable star, meaning its brightness fluctuates over time. It belongs to a class known as Beta Cephei variables, known for their rapid pulsations. This pulsation is caused by internal pressure waves within the star, leading to periodic changes in its size and brightness.

Finding Gomeisa:

Gomeisa is easily located in the night sky. It sits just above Procyon, the brightest star in Canis Minor, forming the "head" of the Little Dog. Look for a bright blue-white star near Procyon, and you've found Gomeisa.

The Legacy of Gomeisa:

Although less prominent than other stars in the night sky, Gomeisa has played a role in astronomical history. Its pulsating nature has attracted the attention of astronomers for centuries, offering valuable insight into the internal workings of stars.


Gomeisa, the "blinking one," is a beautiful blue-white star in Canis Minor. Its pulsating nature, high temperature, and captivating color make it a fascinating subject for amateur and professional astronomers alike. While not as famous as its neighbor Procyon, Gomeisa holds its own unique charm, reminding us of the vast beauty and complexity hidden within our universe.

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