Astronomical Terms Used in Galactic Astronomy: Ellipticity of the Earth and Planets

Ellipticity of the Earth and Planets

Ellipticity: A Stellar Shape Shifter

In the vast expanse of space, celestial bodies are rarely perfect spheres. They exhibit a slight flattening at their poles and a bulging at their equators, a phenomenon known as ellipticity, also referred to as oblateness. This subtle deviation from perfect sphericity is a direct consequence of the celestial body's rotation.

Imagine a spinning ball of dough. The centrifugal force generated by the spin pushes the dough outwards at the equator, resulting in a slightly flattened shape. The same principle applies to celestial bodies, albeit on a much grander scale. The faster the object spins, the more pronounced the flattening becomes.

Ellipticity, often expressed as a dimensionless quantity "f", is a measure of this deviation from a perfect sphere. It's calculated as the difference between the equatorial radius (a) and the polar radius (c) divided by the equatorial radius:

f = (a - c) / a

Compression, a closely related term, refers to the ratio of the difference between the equatorial and polar radii to the equatorial radius:

Compression = (a - c) / a

Therefore, ellipticity and compression are essentially synonymous in this context.

Ellipticity in Stellar Astronomy:

Ellipticity plays a significant role in our understanding of celestial bodies, particularly in Stellar Astronomy:

  • Planetary Dynamics: The Earth's ellipticity affects the gravitational pull on satellites and spacecraft, influencing their orbits and trajectory.
  • Stellar Evolution: The ellipticity of stars provides insights into their rotation rates, internal structure, and evolutionary stages.
  • Exoplanet Detection: Ellipticity can affect the transit times of exoplanets, aiding in their detection and characterization.
  • Gravitational Lensing: The deformation of space-time around massive objects like stars is influenced by their ellipticity, which impacts gravitational lensing observations.


  • Earth: Our planet has an ellipticity of approximately 1/298.25, meaning its equatorial radius is about 21 kilometers greater than its polar radius.
  • Jupiter: The gas giant Jupiter, with its rapid rotation, has an ellipticity of approximately 1/15, demonstrating a significantly greater flattening than Earth.
  • Neutron Stars: These extremely dense stars, spinning at incredible speeds, can have ellipticities exceeding 1/10, showcasing the profound impact of rotation on their shape.

Understanding the ellipticity of celestial bodies is crucial for comprehending their physical properties, evolution, and interactions within the cosmos. It is a vital piece in the intricate puzzle of Stellar Astronomy.

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