Astronomical Terms Used in Radio Astronomy: Co-ordinates


Charting the Cosmos: Coordinate Systems in Stellar Astronomy

Just as we use addresses to locate places on Earth, astronomers rely on various coordinate systems to pinpoint celestial objects in the vast expanse of the universe. These systems, akin to celestial maps, allow us to track the movements of stars, planets, and other cosmic entities.

Understanding the Basics:

In the realm of celestial navigation, we use two primary types of coordinates:

  • Angular Coordinates: These define a position on the celestial sphere using angles relative to a reference point.
  • Distance Coordinates: These specify the distance between an observer and the celestial object.

Common Coordinate Systems in Stellar Astronomy:

Let's delve into the most prevalent coordinate systems employed in astronomy:

(1) Altitude and Azimuth:

  • Concept: This system, familiar to amateur astronomers, utilizes the horizon as a reference point.
  • Altitude: Measures the angle of an object above the horizon.
  • Azimuth: Measures the angle of an object along the horizon, starting from North and moving clockwise.
  • Impact: Altitude and azimuth coordinates are constantly changing due to the Earth's rotation.

(2) North Polar Distance and Hour Angle:

  • Concept: This system utilizes the North Celestial Pole as its reference point.
  • North Polar Distance (NPD): Measures the angular distance between a celestial object and the North Celestial Pole.
  • Hour Angle: Measures the angular distance between a celestial object and the local meridian, which is the imaginary line that runs from North to South through the zenith.
  • Impact: This system is also affected by the Earth's rotation.

(3) Right Ascension and Declination:

  • Concept: This system, similar to Earth's longitude and latitude, uses the celestial equator as its reference point.
  • Right Ascension (RA): Measures the angle along the celestial equator, starting from the vernal equinox (the point where the Sun crosses the celestial equator moving northward) and measured eastward.
  • Declination (Dec): Measures the angle above or below the celestial equator, similar to latitude on Earth.
  • Impact: RA and Dec are fixed and unaffected by Earth's rotation. This makes them ideal for cataloging celestial objects and tracking their movements over time.

(4) Latitude and Longitude (with reference to the ecliptic):

  • Concept: This system uses the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun across the celestial sphere, as its reference point.
  • Latitude: Measures the angular distance above or below the ecliptic.
  • Longitude: Measures the angular distance along the ecliptic, starting from the vernal equinox and measured eastward.
  • Impact: Similar to RA and Dec, latitude and longitude with respect to the ecliptic are unaffected by Earth's rotation.

Importance of Coordinate Systems:

These coordinate systems are essential for various astronomical tasks, including:

  • Cataloging Celestial Objects: Assigning unique coordinates helps astronomers organize and identify stars, galaxies, and other cosmic entities.
  • Tracking Celestial Motion: By observing changes in an object's coordinates over time, astronomers can study its motion and understand the underlying forces at play.
  • Planning Observations: Coordinate systems aid in planning and executing observations using telescopes and other astronomical instruments.


Understanding coordinate systems is crucial for navigating the celestial sphere and making sense of the vastness of the universe. By using these celestial maps, astronomers can map the cosmos, explore its mysteries, and unravel the secrets of the universe.

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