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Alnitak +Alnitak: A Stellar Giant at the Belt of…Stellar Astronomy
Alpha Centauri +Alpha Centauri: Our Nearest Stellar…Stellar Astronomy
Alpha Particle +Alpha Particles: The Cosmic Architects …Galactic Astronomy
Alphard +Alphard: The Solitary Giant of Hydra I…Stellar Astronomy
Alphecca +The "Gem of the Coronet": Alphecca, a S…Stellar Astronomy
Alpherat +Alpheratz: Guiding Light in the Androme…Stellar Astronomy
Alphirk +Alphirk: A Star with Two Names and …Stellar Astronomy
Alphonso X +King of Castile, King of Astronomy: Alp…Astronomers
Alshain +Alshain: A Stellar Name with a Murk…Stellar Astronomy
Al-S ufˉi +Al-Sufi: A Stargazer's Legacy The name…Astronomers
Altair +Altair: The Soaring Eagle of the Su…Stellar Astronomy
Altar Star +The Altar Star: A Beacon in the Souther…Stellar Astronomy
Altitude +Looking Up: Understanding Altitude in S…Galactic Astronomy
Altitude and Azimuth Instrument +Navigating the Night Sky: Understanding…Galactic Astronomy
Aludra +Aludra: The "Brilliant One&quo…Stellar Astronomy
Alven Waves +Riding the Magnetic Waves: Exploring th…Galactic Astronomy
Alwaid +  The "Old Camels"…Stellar Astronomy
Amateur Astronomy +Gazing at the Stars: The Thriving World…Galactic Astronomy
Ambartsunian, Viktor Amazaspovich +Viktor Ambartsumian: A Pioneer of Stell…Astronomers
Ampere's Law +Ampere's Law in Stellar Astronomy: Unlo…Galactic Astronomy
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