Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: Canny edge detector

Canny edge detector

Canny Edge Detection: A Powerful Tool for Image Processing

In the world of computer vision, image processing is a fundamental task, and edge detection is a crucial component. Edges, representing significant changes in image intensity, are valuable features for various applications like object recognition, image segmentation, and feature extraction. Among the many edge detection techniques, the Canny edge detector stands out as a highly effective and widely used algorithm.

What is Canny Edge Detection?

The Canny edge detector, developed by John Canny in 1986, is a sophisticated algorithm designed to find edges in images. It excels at detecting edges that are accurate, well-localized, and minimal in number. This ensures that only significant edges are detected, reducing noise and improving the quality of the extracted features.

The Canny Algorithm: A Breakdown

The Canny edge detection algorithm operates in five key steps:

  1. Gaussian Smoothing: The image is first smoothed using a Gaussian filter to reduce noise and spurious edges. This step helps to suppress minor intensity changes and focus on significant edges.
  2. Gradient Calculation: Next, the image gradient is calculated using the Sobel or Prewitt operators. The gradient magnitude and direction provide information about the strength and orientation of the edges.
  3. Non-Maximum Suppression: This step aims to thin the edges by identifying and suppressing non-maximum points along the gradient direction. Only the local maximum points along the gradient direction are retained, resulting in cleaner and sharper edges.
  4. Double Thresholding: Two thresholds are applied to the gradient magnitudes. Edges with magnitudes above the high threshold are considered strong edges, while those below the low threshold are considered weak edges.
  5. Edge Tracking by Hysteresis: Finally, edge tracking is performed using hysteresis. Weak edges connected to strong edges are considered valid edges and retained, while those not connected to strong edges are suppressed.

The Infinite Symmetric Exponential Filter: Optimizing the Edge Detection

The Canny algorithm employs an approximation to the optimal filter for edge detection. The infinite symmetric exponential filter (ISEF) is considered the theoretical optimal filter for edge detection, offering the best compromise between localization and noise reduction.

The ISEF, however, is computationally expensive and impractical for real-time applications. The Canny algorithm uses a Gaussian filter as a close approximation to the ISEF, achieving a good balance between accuracy and computational efficiency.

Applications of Canny Edge Detection

The Canny edge detector finds applications in numerous fields, including:

  • Object Recognition: Identifying edges in images helps classify and recognize objects.
  • Image Segmentation: Segmenting images into distinct regions based on edge information is crucial for various tasks like object detection and scene understanding.
  • Feature Extraction: Edges serve as robust features for tasks such as image matching and retrieval.
  • Medical Imaging: Identifying edges in medical images like X-rays and MRI scans assists in diagnosis and treatment planning.


The Canny edge detector stands as a robust and versatile tool in image processing. Its effectiveness in accurately detecting edges, along with its computational efficiency, has made it a cornerstone of many computer vision applications. The Canny algorithm, with its approximation of the optimal filter, provides a powerful solution for a wide range of image analysis tasks.

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