Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: camera model

camera model

Camera Models in Stereovision Systems: Understanding the Geometry of Vision

In the field of computer vision, particularly in stereovision systems, the camera model plays a crucial role in accurately understanding and interpreting the 3D world from 2D images captured by cameras. It encompasses both the geometric and physical characteristics of the cameras, allowing for precise calculations and reconstructions of 3D scenes.

Understanding the Camera Model

The camera model, in essence, provides a mathematical representation of the mapping between the 3D world and the 2D image plane. This mapping is typically defined by a set of parameters that capture the following aspects:

Geometric Features:

  • Intrinsic parameters: These parameters relate to the internal geometry of the camera, including:
    • Focal length (f): The distance between the camera's lens and the image plane.
    • Principal point (cx, cy): The point where the optical axis intersects the image plane.
    • Lens distortion coefficients (k1, k2, ...): Parameters that account for deviations from a perfect lens, such as radial distortion.
  • Extrinsic parameters: These parameters relate to the camera's pose in the 3D world, including:
    • Rotation matrix (R): A 3x3 matrix representing the camera's orientation relative to a fixed world coordinate system.
    • Translation vector (t): A 3x1 vector representing the camera's position in the world coordinate system.

Physical Features:

  • Sensor resolution: The number of pixels on the camera's sensor.
  • Pixel size: The physical dimensions of each pixel.
  • Field of view (FOV): The extent of the scene captured by the camera.

Importance in Stereovision

In stereovision systems, two or more cameras are employed to acquire images of the same scene from different viewpoints. The camera models of these cameras play a critical role in:

  • Determining the relative orientation of the cameras: The extrinsic parameters of each camera, specifically the rotation and translation matrices, define the relative position and orientation of the cameras in the 3D space.
  • Calculating the disparity between the images: The disparity, or difference in the position of a point in the images captured by the two cameras, is directly proportional to the distance of the point from the cameras. The camera models are used to calculate this disparity.
  • Reconstructing the 3D structure of the scene: By combining the information from the camera models and the calculated disparities, the 3D coordinates of points in the scene can be reconstructed, allowing for the creation of a 3D model of the scene.

Types of Camera Models

Several different camera models are commonly used in computer vision, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some common examples include:

  • Pinhole camera model: A simple and widely used model that assumes a perfect lens with no distortion.
  • Lens distortion model: Accounts for radial and tangential lens distortions, often used in real-world applications where lens imperfections are present.
  • Generalized camera model: A more complex model that allows for non-linear distortions and complex camera geometries.


The camera model is a fundamental concept in stereovision systems, providing a mathematical representation of the geometric and physical characteristics of cameras. By understanding the camera model, researchers and engineers can accurately analyze and interpret 3D scenes from 2D images captured by cameras. This knowledge is essential for a wide range of applications, including 3D reconstruction, object recognition, and autonomous navigation.

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