Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: bridge circuit

bridge circuit

Bridging the Gap: Understanding Bridge Circuits in Electrical Engineering

Bridge circuits are a fundamental building block in electrical engineering, often employed in instrumentation and transducer applications. Their unique structure and behavior make them ideal for measuring various physical quantities like resistance, capacitance, inductance, and even temperature.

The Anatomy of a Bridge Circuit

A bridge circuit is characterized by its distinctive configuration: four lateral impedances (Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4) connected in a diamond shape, with a diagonal impedance (Zo) and a voltage source (Eg) completing the circuit. The output impedance (Zg) plays a crucial role in determining the circuit's behavior.

The Bridge Balance Condition

The key to understanding bridge circuits lies in the concept of "balance." A bridge circuit is said to be balanced when the current flowing through the diagonal impedance (Zo) is zero. This occurs when a specific relationship exists between the impedances of the bridge arms.

For the bridge circuit described above, the balance condition is expressed as:

Z1 * Z3 = Z2 * Z4

This equation implies that the product of the impedances in one pair of opposite arms (Z1 and Z3) is equal to the product of the impedances in the other pair (Z2 and Z4).

Applications of Bridge Circuits

Bridge circuits find widespread applications in instrumentation and transducer design due to their sensitivity and accuracy:

  • Resistance Measurement: Wheatstone bridge circuits are commonly used for precision resistance measurement. By adjusting one of the arms, the bridge is balanced, allowing the unknown resistance to be calculated.
  • Capacitance Measurement: Similar to resistance measurement, bridge circuits can be adapted to measure capacitance by utilizing capacitive elements in the bridge arms.
  • Inductance Measurement: Bridge circuits can be employed for measuring inductance, particularly in applications involving AC signals.
  • Temperature Measurement: Temperature-sensitive resistors (thermistors or RTDs) can be incorporated into a bridge circuit to measure temperature changes.
  • Strain Gauges: Bridge circuits are used in conjunction with strain gauges to measure strain, stress, and force.

Advantages of Bridge Circuits:

  • High Sensitivity: Bridge circuits are highly sensitive to changes in impedance, making them suitable for precision measurements.
  • Accuracy: The balance condition allows for precise determination of unknown values.
  • Versatility: Bridge circuits can be adapted to measure a wide range of physical parameters.


Bridge circuits represent a valuable tool in electrical engineering, particularly in instrumentation and transducer applications. Their ability to measure a wide range of parameters with high sensitivity and accuracy makes them essential components in various industrial, medical, and scientific fields. By understanding the principles behind bridge circuits, engineers can leverage their unique capabilities to design and implement sophisticated measurement systems for a wide variety of applications.

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