Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: Brewster angle

Brewster angle

The Brewster Angle: A Special Angle in Optics

The Brewster angle, named after Scottish physicist Sir David Brewster, is a fascinating phenomenon in optics that describes a specific angle of incidence at which light polarized parallel to the plane of incidence is completely transmitted through an interface between two media, with no reflection. This angle has significant applications in various fields, from optical coatings to polarized sunglasses.

Understanding the Brewster Angle

When light strikes an interface between two media, like air and glass, it can be reflected and refracted. The reflected light can be polarized, meaning its electric field oscillates in a specific direction. The Brewster angle is the angle of incidence where the reflected light is completely polarized perpendicular to the plane of incidence.

The Physics Behind It

The Brewster angle arises from the interaction of light with electrons in the material. When light is polarized parallel to the plane of incidence, the electric field of the light wave interacts with the electrons in the material, causing them to oscillate in the same direction. This oscillation generates a secondary wave that cancels out the reflected wave at the Brewster angle.

Brewster Angle for Different Polarizations

For perpendicular polarization (electric field perpendicular to the plane of incidence), the Brewster angle does not exist for nonmagnetic materials. This is because the electric field does not interact with the electrons in the same way, and therefore no cancellation of the reflected wave occurs.

Brewster Angle Formula

The Brewster angle can be calculated using the following formula:

tan θ_B = n₂/n₁


  • θ_B is the Brewster angle
  • n₁ is the refractive index of the first medium
  • n₂ is the refractive index of the second medium

Applications of the Brewster Angle

The Brewster angle has numerous practical applications, including:

  • Polarized sunglasses: These glasses utilize the Brewster angle to reduce glare by filtering out horizontally polarized light reflected off surfaces.
  • Optical coatings: Thin films with specific refractive indices are applied to lenses and other optical components at the Brewster angle to minimize reflection and maximize transmission.
  • Laser technology: Brewster windows are used in laser cavities to ensure that light is transmitted with minimal reflection loss, increasing the efficiency of the laser.
  • Fiber optics: The Brewster angle is used in fiber optic cables to minimize reflections at the core-cladding interface, enhancing light transmission.


The Brewster angle is a fascinating optical phenomenon with numerous practical applications. By understanding the principles behind this special angle, we can design and improve optical devices, reduce unwanted reflections, and enhance light transmission efficiency.

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