Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: breakaway points of the root loci

breakaway points of the root loci

Understanding Breakaway Points in Root Locus: Where Stability Meets Complexity

In the realm of control systems, the Root Locus method provides a powerful visual tool for analyzing the stability and performance of feedback systems. One of the key elements in this method is the concept of breakaway points, where the root locus branches "break away" from the real axis and move into the complex plane. These points hold significant insights into the system's behavior, particularly its stability characteristics.

What are Breakaway Points?

Breakaway points are specific locations on the real axis where the root locus branches diverge from a single path and split into two or more separate branches. These points are crucial for understanding the system's transition from stable to unstable behavior.

Multiple-Order Roots and Breakaway Points:

The fundamental concept behind breakaway points lies in the multiple-order roots of the characteristic equation of the closed-loop system. At a breakaway point, the characteristic equation has a double root (or higher-order multiple root). This signifies a critical moment where the system exhibits a change in its stability behavior.

Determining Breakaway Points:

To locate breakaway points, we employ the following steps:

  1. Calculate the characteristic equation: This equation represents the system's dynamics and is obtained by analyzing the feedback loop.
  2. Find the derivative of the characteristic equation: The derivative of the characteristic equation will be zero at breakaway points.
  3. Solve for the roots of the derivative equation: The roots of this derivative equation correspond to the breakaway points on the real axis.

Breakaway Points and Stability:

  • Stable Region: If a breakaway point lies to the left of the imaginary axis, the system is stable at this point.
  • Unstable Region: If a breakaway point lies to the right of the imaginary axis, the system is unstable at this point.
  • Margin of Stability: The distance between the breakaway point and the imaginary axis indicates the system's margin of stability. A larger distance indicates a more stable system.

Importance of Breakaway Points:

  1. Predicting Stability: Breakaway points help in determining the critical points where the system transitions from stability to instability.
  2. Designing Controllers: Engineers can utilize breakaway points to design controllers that ensure the system operates within a stable region.
  3. Gain Margin: The distance between a breakaway point and the imaginary axis is directly related to the gain margin of the system.


Breakaway points are key elements in the Root Locus method, providing crucial insights into the system's stability and its transition from stability to instability. By understanding the relationship between breakaway points and multiple-order roots, engineers can design robust control systems that operate reliably and predictably. Their significance lies in their ability to predict the system's behavior under various conditions, enabling the development of stable and high-performing systems.

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