Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: branch history table

branch history table

Branch History Table: Speeding Up Your Processor with Memory of Past Decisions

In the fast-paced world of modern processors, every cycle counts. One of the key bottlenecks in achieving maximum performance is the execution of branch instructions, which can drastically alter the flow of program execution. Branch history tables (BHTs) are a vital hardware component that addresses this challenge by leveraging the principle of predictive execution.

Branching: A Decision Point in Program Flow

Imagine a program as a linear path. Branch instructions act as crossroads, allowing the program to take different paths depending on a condition. For example, an "if" statement in your code might execute different instructions based on the value of a variable. This branching creates uncertainty for the processor, which must wait for the condition to be evaluated before knowing which path to follow.

The Dilemma of Branch Prediction

The problem is that evaluating conditions can take time. To minimize this delay, processors use branch prediction, attempting to guess which path the branch instruction will take before the condition is evaluated. This "guess" is based on historical data, stored in a special hardware component called the branch history table (BHT).

How the Branch History Table Works

The BHT is like a memory log that stores the addresses of previously executed branch instructions and their outcomes (taken or not taken). When a branch instruction is encountered, the processor checks the BHT. If the instruction's address is present, the BHT tells the processor which path was taken previously. This information is then used to make a prediction for the current execution.

Accuracy and Efficiency

The accuracy of the BHT is directly proportional to its size and the frequency of repeated branch patterns. A larger BHT can store more historical data, increasing the chance of a correct prediction. Likewise, programs with predictable branching behavior will benefit more from a BHT.

Branch Target Buffer: A More Accurate Term

While commonly referred to as a branch history table, the more accurate term for this component is branch target buffer (BTB). This reflects its primary function: storing the target addresses of branch instructions, not just the outcome of the branch.

Impact on Performance

By predicting branch outcomes, the BHT significantly reduces the time spent on branch instructions, ultimately leading to faster program execution. This efficiency is crucial in applications like multimedia processing, gaming, and scientific computing, where performance is paramount.


The branch history table (or branch target buffer) is an essential hardware component that plays a critical role in optimizing processor performance. By leveraging historical data and predicting branch outcomes, it allows processors to execute programs more efficiently and achieve faster processing speeds. As technology continues to advance, we can expect even more sophisticated branch prediction mechanisms to emerge, further enhancing the efficiency of our computational devices.

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