Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: bounded state

bounded state

Bounded States in Electrical Systems: A Stable Equilibrium

In the realm of electrical engineering, understanding the behavior of dynamic systems is crucial. A bounded state is a fundamental concept that helps us analyze the stability and predictability of these systems.

Imagine an electrical circuit, a complex network of components interacting with each other. Its behavior can be described by a set of equations called state equations, which define the state of the system at any given time. These equations typically involve variables like voltage, current, and charge, evolving over time.

A bounded state refers to a specific state of the system, denoted by xe, that remains within a defined limit. In simpler terms, the system's behavior stays confined within a certain range, preventing it from going out of control or exhibiting unpredictable oscillations.

Defining Boundedness:

Mathematically, we can express the boundedness of a state xe as follows:

There exists a real number B, dependent on the initial state x0 and initial time t0, such that the norm of the state vector x(t) remains less than B for all times t greater than or equal to t0.

This means that the system's state variables will never exceed a certain threshold, no matter how long the system operates.

Significance of Bounded States:

Understanding bounded states is critical for several reasons:

  • Stability: A bounded state implies a certain level of stability in the system. Even under external disturbances, the system's behavior will remain predictable and within acceptable limits.
  • Controllability: If we know a system has a bounded state, we can design control strategies to ensure that the system operates safely and efficiently.
  • Reliability: Systems operating in a bounded state are more likely to be reliable, as their behavior is predictable and unlikely to lead to sudden failures or malfunctions.

Examples in Electrical Engineering:

  • Regulated power supplies: Power supplies often utilize feedback mechanisms to maintain a constant output voltage within a certain range. The output voltage is considered a bounded state, ensuring the system delivers reliable and stable power.
  • Oscillators: Oscillators are designed to generate stable periodic signals. Their states are bounded by the desired frequency and amplitude, ensuring consistent and predictable output.
  • Communication systems: Communication systems rely on stable signals to transmit information effectively. The signal levels in these systems are often bounded to prevent interference and ensure data integrity.


The concept of a bounded state provides valuable insights into the stability and predictability of electrical systems. Understanding and analyzing bounded states empowers engineers to design robust and reliable systems that operate safely and efficiently. It is a fundamental concept that contributes to the advancement of various electrical and electronic technologies.

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