Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: biquadratic transfer function

biquadratic transfer function

Delving into the Biquadratic Transfer Function: A Foundation of Filter Design

In the realm of electrical engineering, transfer functions are the cornerstone of understanding and designing systems. A transfer function essentially describes the relationship between the input and output signals of a system. One crucial type of transfer function, particularly relevant in filter design, is the biquadratic transfer function.

The name "biquadratic" itself hints at its structure. It is a rational function, meaning it's expressed as a ratio of two polynomials. What sets it apart is that both the numerator and denominator polynomials are of second order, hence "bi" (meaning two) and "quadratic" (referring to the highest power of the variable being two).

The General Form:

A biquadratic transfer function, denoted by H(s) where 's' is the complex frequency variable, can be written in the following general form:

H(s) = (a*s^2 + b*s + c) / (d*s^2 + e*s + f)

Here, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', and 'f' are real-valued coefficients that determine the specific characteristics of the filter.

Why Biquadratic? The Power of Simplicity:

While seemingly simple, the biquadratic transfer function holds immense power in filter design. It provides the building blocks for creating complex filter responses by combining individual biquadratic sections. This modularity offers several advantages:

  • Flexibility: Different biquadratic sections can be cascaded to achieve a wide range of filter characteristics, from simple low-pass filters to complex bandpass and bandstop filters.
  • Design Ease: Designing and analyzing individual biquadratic sections is simpler than dealing with higher-order transfer functions, making filter design more manageable.
  • Implementation Efficiency: Biquadratic filters are readily implemented using operational amplifiers (op-amps) and passive components, making them practical and cost-effective.

Illustrative Examples:

  1. Low-pass Filter: A simple low-pass filter can be realized using a biquadratic transfer function with a dominant pole in the denominator. This means the denominator polynomial will have a pair of complex conjugate roots with a negative real part, leading to a frequency response that attenuates high frequencies while passing low frequencies.

  2. Bandpass Filter: A bandpass filter can be implemented by placing a pair of complex conjugate poles in the denominator, allowing frequencies within a specific band to pass through while attenuating frequencies outside that band.

Beyond Filters:

The biquadratic transfer function finds applications beyond filter design. It's also used in:

  • Control Systems: To shape the dynamic response of systems by introducing poles and zeros at specific frequencies.
  • Audio Processing: To implement equalization filters and effects, shaping the frequency content of audio signals.


The biquadratic transfer function is a fundamental tool in electrical engineering. Its simple yet versatile structure provides a powerful framework for designing and analyzing various filters and systems. Its modularity, ease of implementation, and widespread applications solidify its significance in the field. Understanding the principles behind the biquadratic transfer function empowers engineers to shape and control the behavior of electrical systems with precision and efficiency.

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