Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: binary hypothesis testing

binary hypothesis testing

Binary Hypothesis Testing: Deciding Between Two Possibilities

In the realm of electrical engineering and signal processing, we often encounter situations where we need to make decisions based on noisy or uncertain data. One fundamental tool for tackling these scenarios is binary hypothesis testing. This framework helps us choose between two competing hypotheses, denoted as H1 and H2, by analyzing the available observations.

The Problem:

Imagine you're trying to detect a faint signal amidst background noise. You have two possible hypotheses:

  • H1: The signal is present.
  • H2: The signal is absent.

You receive some observations, denoted by y, which are influenced by the presence or absence of the signal. Your task is to determine which hypothesis is more likely given the observed data.

Key Elements:

To make an informed decision, we need the following information:

  • Prior Probabilities: P(H1) and P(H2) represent the prior likelihood of each hypothesis before observing any data. These might reflect past experience or general knowledge about the scenario.
  • Likelihood Functions: p(y|H1) and p(y|H2) describe how likely we are to observe the data y if each hypothesis is true. These capture the dependence of the data on the hypotheses.

Decision Rules:

Based on the observed data y, we need to decide which hypothesis to accept. This is achieved through a decision rule, which typically involves comparing a "decision statistic" derived from the data to a threshold. The choice of threshold influences the trade-off between false positives (accepting H1 when H2 is true) and false negatives (accepting H2 when H1 is true).

Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve:

The ROC curve is a powerful tool for visualizing the performance of different decision rules. It plots the true positive rate (sensitivity) against the false positive rate (1 - specificity) for various threshold values. The ideal ROC curve lies close to the top-left corner, indicating high sensitivity and high specificity.

M-ary Hypothesis Testing:

Binary hypothesis testing is a special case of M-ary hypothesis testing, where we have M possible hypotheses (M > 2). This framework is useful for situations involving multiple possibilities, such as classifying different types of signals or identifying multiple targets in radar systems.


Binary hypothesis testing finds widespread application in various engineering fields, including:

  • Signal Detection: Detecting the presence or absence of a signal in communication systems.
  • Image Processing: Identifying objects or features in images.
  • Medical Diagnosis: Classifying patients based on their symptoms and test results.
  • Fault Detection: Identifying anomalies in systems or equipment.


Binary hypothesis testing is a fundamental tool for making decisions based on uncertain data. It provides a framework for evaluating the relative likelihoods of two hypotheses and selecting the most probable one. The ROC curve is an essential visual aid for understanding the performance of different decision rules. This framework extends to the more general case of M-ary hypothesis testing, enabling us to make decisions among multiple possibilities.

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