Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: backprojection


Backprojection: Reconstructing Images from Projections

In the realm of electrical engineering and medical imaging, the concept of backprojection plays a crucial role in reconstructing images from their projections. This process essentially involves "reversing" the projection operation, taking a series of line integrals of the image and using them to recover the original image.

Understanding the Radon Transform

To understand backprojection, we need to first grasp the Radon transform, a mathematical operation that transforms a 2D function (like an image) into a series of projections. Imagine shining a beam of light through an object at different angles. The Radon transform captures the intensity of the light as it passes through the object, essentially measuring the "brightness" along each line.

Formally, the Radon transform is represented as:

\(Z g(s, \theta) = \int\int f(x, y) \delta(x \cos \theta + y \sin \theta - s) \, dx \, dy \)


  • f(x, y) represents the original image function.
  • g(s, θ) is the projection data, with s representing the distance along the projection line and θ representing the angle of the line.
  • δ is the Dirac delta function, which picks out the value of the function along the line x cos θ + y sin θ = s.

The Backprojection Operator

The backprojection operator takes the projection data, g(s, θ ), and reconstructs an image by "smearing" the data back onto the original space. This "smearing" is performed by taking the integral of the projection data along all lines passing through a given point (x, y):

\(b(x, y) = \int g(x \cos \theta + y \sin \theta, \theta) \, d\theta \)

Here, b(x, y) represents the reconstructed image.

Backprojection in Action

The backprojection operator essentially sums all the projection rays passing through a given point, resulting in a blurred image. While this isn't the final reconstruction, it represents the first step in many image reconstruction techniques. To obtain a clearer image, a filtered backprojection algorithm is often employed, which applies a filter to the projection data before backprojection, removing the blurring effect.

Applications of Backprojection

Backprojection finds wide applications in various fields:

  • Medical Imaging: Computed tomography (CT) scanners utilize backprojection to reconstruct 3D images of the body from X-ray projections.
  • Seismic Imaging: Backprojection is used to reconstruct underground images of geological structures from seismic wave data.
  • Radar and Sonar: Backprojection algorithms are employed to create images from radar and sonar data, enabling object detection and mapping.


Backprojection is a fundamental concept in image reconstruction, enabling us to reconstruct images from their projections. While the basic backprojection operator results in a blurred image, it serves as a crucial step in more sophisticated algorithms like filtered backprojection, leading to clear and detailed images in various applications. The understanding of this process provides a valuable insight into the world of signal processing and image reconstruction.

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