Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: autobank


Autobank: The Powerhouse of Variable Voltage Applications

In the realm of electrical engineering, "autobank" refers to an arrangement of autotransformers designed to provide a wide range of output voltages from a single input source. This versatile configuration finds applications in various fields, from industrial automation and power distribution to medical equipment and laboratory setups.

Understanding Autotransformers:

Before diving into autobanks, it's crucial to grasp the concept of an autotransformer. Unlike conventional transformers with separate primary and secondary windings, an autotransformer uses a single winding with a tap point. This tap allows for voltage adjustments by selecting different portions of the winding for the output.

The Autobank Architecture:

An autobank consists of an array of autotransformers, typically connected in parallel. Each autotransformer within the bank offers a distinct output voltage, creating a range of adjustable voltages. The bank may include a selection switch or other control mechanisms for users to select the desired output voltage.

Key Advantages of Autobanks:

  1. Variable Voltage Supply: Autobanks deliver a wide range of voltages from a single input, eliminating the need for multiple transformers or voltage regulators. This flexibility simplifies power management and enhances system efficiency.

  2. Cost-Effectiveness: Using an autobank can be more economical than individual transformers for achieving multiple voltage levels. This is particularly true for applications with fluctuating voltage requirements.

  3. Compact Design: Autobanks typically have a smaller footprint than multiple transformers, making them ideal for space-constrained environments.

  4. Increased Efficiency: Autotransformers inherently possess higher efficiency compared to conventional transformers. This results in less energy loss and reduced operating costs.

Applications of Autobanks:

Autobanks find widespread use in diverse applications, including:

  • Industrial Automation: Variable voltage supplies for controlling motors, actuators, and other equipment.
  • Power Distribution: Providing adjustable voltages for different loads within a system.
  • Medical Equipment: Supplying precise voltages for sensitive devices like X-ray machines and MRI scanners.
  • Laboratory Equipment: Facilitating variable voltage requirements for research and testing purposes.
  • Telecommunications: Enabling adjustable voltage for network equipment and transmission systems.

Safety Considerations:

While autobanks offer numerous advantages, it's crucial to address safety considerations. Due to their single winding design, autotransformers lack electrical isolation between the input and output circuits. This necessitates careful design and implementation to ensure user safety and prevent electrical hazards.


Autobanks are a powerful tool for providing variable voltage supplies in various applications. Their flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency make them an attractive choice for engineers seeking to manage power effectively. Understanding the principles of autotransformers and the benefits of autobanks empowers professionals to design robust and efficient electrical systems for a wide range of demands.

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