Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: asymptotic 2-D observer

asymptotic 2-D observer

Unveiling the Secrets of 2-D Systems: The Asymptotic Observer

Two-dimensional (2-D) systems, found in image processing, digital filtering, and other applications, present unique challenges in state estimation. Unlike their one-dimensional counterparts, these systems evolve in both time and space, requiring special techniques for observing their internal states. One such technique involves the use of asymptotic 2-D observers, which provide crucial insights into the system's behavior.

This article delves into the concept of asymptotic 2-D observers, providing a clear explanation of their role and how they work.

Understanding the 2-D System:

A 2-D system can be represented by the following equation:

\(\begin{align*} E x_{i+1,j+1} &= A_1 x_{i+1,j} + A_2 x_{i,j+1} + B_1 u_{i+1,j} + B_2 u_{i,j+1} \\ y_{i,j} &= C x_{i,j} + D u_{i,j} \end{align*}\)


  • x i,j: The local semistate vector at point (i, j)
  • u i,j: The input at point (i, j)
  • y i,j: The output at point (i, j)
  • E, A1, A2, B1, B2, C, D: Real matrices of appropriate dimensions

The Role of the Asymptotic Observer:

An asymptotic observer estimates the system's internal state, represented by x i,j, based on the available inputs and outputs. It does this by using a dynamic system with its own state vector z i,j, which evolves according to the following equation:

\(\begin{align*} z_{i+1,j+1} &= F_1 z_{i+1,j} + F_2 z_{i,j+1} + G_1 u_{i+1,j} + G_2 u_{i,j+1} + H_1 y_{i+1,j} + H_2 y_{i,j+1} \\ \hat{x}_{i,j} &= L z_{i,j} + K y_{i,j} \end{align*} \)

This observer is called asymptotic because it guarantees that the estimation error, the difference between the actual state x i,j and its estimate x̂ i,j, converges to zero as the system evolves in both spatial dimensions (i, j). In other words, the observer eventually provides a perfect estimate of the system's state.

Key Features and Advantages:

  • Full-Order: The asymptotic observer estimates all the states of the system, making it a valuable tool for comprehensive understanding.
  • Robustness: The observer can handle uncertainties in the system's model, allowing for reliable operation in real-world scenarios.
  • Versatility: The concept of asymptotic observers can be adapted to various types of 2-D systems, making it a widely applicable technique.

Application in Real-World Scenarios:

Asymptotic 2-D observers play a crucial role in diverse applications, including:

  • Image Processing: Estimating the internal state of image processing algorithms, leading to improved image restoration and reconstruction.
  • Digital Filtering: Designing efficient and robust digital filters for signal processing applications.
  • Control Systems: Implementing advanced control strategies for 2-D systems, achieving optimal performance and stability.


The asymptotic 2-D observer is a powerful tool for understanding and controlling 2-D systems. Its ability to accurately estimate the system's state, even in the presence of uncertainties, makes it essential for various engineering and scientific applications. As research in 2-D systems continues, we can expect further advancements in the development and application of these valuable observers, unlocking new possibilities for solving complex problems across diverse fields.

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