Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: ARQ


ARQ: Ensuring Reliable Data Transmission in the Electrical Realm

Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ) is a fundamental concept in data transmission, particularly crucial in electrical applications where reliable data transfer is paramount. This article delves into the workings of ARQ, highlighting its importance and common implementations in electrical engineering.

The Challenge of Noisy Channels:

Imagine sending data across a noisy channel, like transmitting signals through a network cable prone to interference or sending commands to a motor via a noisy wireless link. The inherent noise can corrupt the data, leading to errors and inaccurate information reaching the destination. This is where ARQ steps in.

ARQ: The Solution to Noisy Data:

ARQ is a robust mechanism that ensures data integrity by utilizing error detection and retransmission. It operates in the following steps:

  1. Adding Redundancy: The sender adds error detection codes (like checksums or cyclic redundancy checks) to the data before transmitting it.
  2. Detection at the Receiver: The receiver uses these codes to detect errors in the received data.
  3. Requesting Retransmission: If errors are detected, the receiver sends an acknowledgment (ACK) indicating success or a negative acknowledgment (NAK) requesting retransmission.
  4. Retransmission and Verification: The sender retransmits the data upon receiving a NAK. This process continues until the receiver acknowledges receipt of error-free data.

Types of ARQ Schemes:

There are various ARQ schemes, each tailored to different scenarios and performance needs:

  • Stop-and-Wait ARQ: Simple, but inefficient, as the sender waits for an acknowledgment before sending the next data block.
  • Go-Back-N ARQ: Allows sending multiple data blocks before waiting for acknowledgements, increasing efficiency but potentially requiring more retransmissions.
  • Selective Repeat ARQ: The most sophisticated, it allows receiving out-of-order data blocks and retransmits only the missing or corrupted ones, maximizing efficiency.

Applications in Electrical Engineering:

ARQ finds numerous applications in electrical engineering:

  • Industrial Automation: Ensuring reliable communication between control systems and machinery, guaranteeing precise and safe operations.
  • Power Grids: Maintaining communication between power stations and substations, crucial for monitoring and control of power distribution.
  • Wireless Sensor Networks: Ensuring accurate and timely data transmission from sensors to data processing centers, vital for environmental monitoring, predictive maintenance, and other applications.


ARQ is an essential component of reliable data transmission in electrical engineering. By incorporating error detection and retransmission mechanisms, it guarantees data integrity, essential for the correct functioning of various electrical systems. Its adaptability to different scenarios makes it a versatile tool, ensuring seamless and dependable communication in modern electrical applications.

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