Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: approximately controllable system

approximately controllable system

Approximate Controllability: A Glimpse into the Heart of Infinite-Dimensional Systems

In the realm of electrical engineering and control theory, understanding the dynamics of complex systems is paramount. Often, these systems are modeled by infinite-dimensional state spaces, which can pose significant challenges in achieving full control. This is where the concept of approximate controllability comes into play, offering a pragmatic approach to managing these intricate systems.

Defining Approximate Controllability:

Consider a stationary linear dynamical system represented in an infinite-dimensional state space X. Approximate controllability implies that we can bring the system arbitrarily close to any desired state within X by applying a suitable control input. This concept has two key aspects:

  1. Attainable Set (K∞): The set of all states that can be reached from the initial state using any admissible control input over an infinite time horizon. If K∞ is dense in X, meaning it covers almost all points in the state space, the system is considered approximately controllable.
  2. Attainable Set over Finite Time (K(0, T)): The set of all states that can be reached from the initial state using any admissible control input within a finite time interval [0, T]. If K(0, T) is dense in X, the system is approximately controllable in [0, T].

Key Points to Remember:

  • Approximate controllability in [0, T] always implies approximate controllability: If we can reach any state arbitrarily close in a finite time, we can certainly do so over an infinite time horizon.
  • The converse is not always true: A system can be approximately controllable without being approximately controllable in [0, T]. This means that while we can eventually reach any state with sufficient time, we might not be able to reach it within a specific finite time interval.

Why is Approximate Controllability Important?

In real-world applications, achieving perfect control over infinite-dimensional systems is often impossible or impractical. Approximate controllability offers a valuable alternative:

  • Robustness: It allows for the design of controllers that are robust to uncertainties and disturbances, as they do not need to achieve perfect control but only approach the desired state sufficiently close.
  • Practicality: It enables us to effectively manage complex systems like flexible structures, heat diffusion, and quantum systems, where achieving full control is not feasible.

Beyond the Theory: An Example

Consider the Ar+ laser, a fascinating example of a system exhibiting approximate controllability. The active medium in this laser consists of singly ionized argon atoms, and it can emit laser light at various wavelengths within the visible spectrum.

While precise control over the output of an Ar+ laser may be challenging, we can still achieve approximate controllability. By carefully adjusting the laser parameters like power, discharge current, and cavity length, we can influence the emission wavelength and intensity, bringing the laser output close to the desired values.


Approximate controllability provides a powerful framework for understanding and controlling complex systems in a practical manner. By accepting a small error margin, we can design controllers that effectively manage infinite-dimensional systems, enabling us to harness their potential in various applications. The Ar+ laser stands as a testament to the practical relevance of this concept, demonstrating how we can achieve meaningful control even in the face of intricate dynamics.

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