Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: apparent power

apparent power

Understanding Apparent Power: The Unsung Hero of Electrical Systems

In the realm of electrical engineering, power is a fundamental concept. We often talk about real power, which represents the actual power consumed by a load and is measured in watts (W). However, there's another crucial aspect of power that often goes unnoticed: apparent power. This article delves into the intricacies of apparent power and its significance in electrical systems.

What is Apparent Power?

Apparent power, denoted by S, represents the total power delivered to a load, regardless of whether it is actually consumed. It is calculated as the scalar product of the voltage (V) and current (I) delivered to the load:

S = V * I

Apparent power is measured in volt-amperes (VA). It's a crucial parameter for sizing electrical components, such as generators, transformers, and cables, as they must be capable of handling the total power flow, even if only a portion is actually consumed.

The Vector Nature of Power

While apparent power captures the total power, it's important to understand its vectorial nature. The apparent power vector S is composed of two orthogonal components: real power (P) and reactive power (Q):

S = P + jQ

  • Real power (P) is the actual power consumed by the load and is responsible for performing useful work, like running a motor or lighting a lamp. It is measured in watts (W).
  • Reactive power (Q) is the power that oscillates between the source and the load, associated with energy storage elements like capacitors and inductors. It doesn't contribute to useful work but is essential for maintaining the voltage and current waveforms in the system. Reactive power is measured in volt-amperes reactive (VAR).

The Power Triangle

The relationship between apparent power, real power, and reactive power can be visualized using the power triangle. This triangle depicts:

  • Hypotenuse: Apparent power (S)
  • Adjacent side: Real power (P)
  • Opposite side: Reactive power (Q)

The angle between the apparent power vector and the real power axis is called the power factor angle (θ). The cosine of this angle represents the power factor (PF):

PF = cos(θ) = P/S

Importance of Apparent Power

Apparent power is a critical concept for several reasons:

  • Sizing Electrical Components: As mentioned earlier, components must be sized based on the apparent power, not just the real power.
  • Power Factor Correction: A low power factor indicates a high reactive power component, which can lead to increased losses and reduced system efficiency. Power factor correction techniques aim to improve the power factor by reducing the reactive power component.
  • System Stability: Reactive power plays a crucial role in system stability. Insufficient reactive power can lead to voltage fluctuations and potential system instability.


Apparent power, though often overlooked, is a vital concept in electrical systems. Its vector nature and relationship with real and reactive power are essential for understanding system performance, component sizing, and power factor correction. By appreciating the significance of apparent power, electrical engineers can design more efficient, reliable, and stable electrical systems.

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