Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: analytical Jacobian

analytical Jacobian

Understanding the Analytical Jacobian in Robotics

In the world of robotics, understanding how a robot's movements are related to its joint configurations is crucial. The analytical Jacobian plays a vital role in this analysis, providing a mathematical bridge between the robot's joint space and its task space.

What is the Analytical Jacobian?

The analytical Jacobian is a matrix that represents the relationship between the robot's joint velocities (q̇) and the corresponding linear and angular velocities of its end-effector (ẋ and φ̇). It is derived by differentiating the direct kinematic equation, which describes the position and orientation of the end-effector based on the joint variables, with respect to these joint variables.

Formal Representation:

Mathematically, the analytical Jacobian (JA(q)) is expressed as:

  • JA(q) = ∂k(q)/∂q


  • k(q) represents the direct kinematic equation, expressing the end-effector position and orientation as a function of joint variables (q).
  • ∂/∂q denotes the partial derivative with respect to the joint variables.

Relationship to the Geometric Jacobian:

The analytical Jacobian is closely related to the geometric Jacobian. The geometric Jacobian relates the joint velocities to the end-effector velocity in a fixed frame of reference, typically the base frame of the robot. The key difference lies in the representation of the end-effector's angular velocity (φ̇).

The analytical Jacobian doesn't directly represent φ̇ in the base frame. Instead, it utilizes the end-effector's angular velocity in its own frame of reference. This difference is accounted for by a transformation matrix, TA(φ), which depends on the specific representation of the orientation used.

The Transformation Matrix:

  • JA = TA(φ)JA

TA(φ) becomes an identity matrix when the rotation axes in the task space and end-effector frame align.

Applications of the Analytical Jacobian:

The analytical Jacobian finds numerous applications in robotics, including:

  • Inverse kinematics: Solving for joint configurations (q) that achieve a desired end-effector pose.
  • Trajectory planning: Generating smooth and efficient paths for the robot's end-effector.
  • Robot control: Implementing feedback control strategies to regulate the robot's movement.
  • Singularity analysis: Identifying configurations where the Jacobian becomes singular, indicating a loss of control.

In conclusion:

The analytical Jacobian is a fundamental concept in robotics, providing a powerful tool for understanding and controlling robot movements. By relating joint velocities to end-effector velocities, it enables efficient analysis and manipulation of robot systems. It serves as a crucial foundation for various robotics applications, from trajectory planning to control algorithms.

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